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Quad Copter - The Journey started


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    The journey continue....

    Sharing here my Work In Progress Spider...

    now six legs.. might expand to eight as next... one step at a time..

    Testing now keeping this to the minmum size. Next will extend the arm lenght as currently each prop is too close to each, prop wash effect expected.

    Come on the rest shy and hidden Multi rotor pilots, share your Quad or multi rotor fun! So far I saw a few Tri with pure guro + radio mixing and a fun EDF from Tri from Aerosmith. I am sure they are more than that in Singapore.

    Time to get all out and lets have fun...



      Originally posted by DT8666 View Post
      Congratulations!! very nice..

      When can we fly together??

      Lets have a Quad meet this weekend...

      And Kenny, bring on your King of Quad.

      Sure do if i have the time to come down

      What time will you be going down ?

      Altitude hold, GPS cominghome, GPS hold, compass mode is working now. But still cant figure out how to set the GPS waypoint thing. Anyidea ??

      Some new photos enjoy =]


      Goblin 700 | Goblin 500 | Compass 6HV

      Unthinkable, unimaginable, incredible, beyond conception and beyond the bounds of possibility!


        WOW..I've been subscribing to this thread for sometime now...hope to learn from u guys before I make the jump in..been an average plane flier but this Quads really on my radar whens the meetups actually?



          My G10 frame flying in X-mode should be ready for test flight this weekend at tampines scdf field.



            I'm new at this,looks wise tricopters looks awesome(in my view) ,whats the advantages of the two types over the other?..stability,payload?...


              Quad Copter's show yourselves..

              Look it things are getting very interesting here... GPS, Compass etc...



                So far what is the total cost to set this quad up?

                Originally posted by sookainian View Post
                Sure do if i have the time to come down

                What time will you be going down ?

                Altitude hold, GPS cominghome, GPS hold, compass mode is working now. But still cant figure out how to set the GPS waypoint thing. Anyidea ??

                Some new photos enjoy =]


                  Originally posted by sookainian View Post
                  Sure do if i have the time to come down

                  What time will you be going down ?

                  Altitude hold, GPS cominghome, GPS hold, compass mode is working now. But still cant figure out how to set the GPS waypoint thing. Anyidea ??

                  Some new photos enjoy =]
                  Cool!!! looks like your Quad King is getting suit up nicely... Lets try to meet up this Saturday Evening from 5pm? SCDF field.

                  MK platform is new to me and still learning. Too costly so I am starting slow. Not my MK Quad just trasformed to MK HEX w/o Navigation.

                  Just done test flight last evening and it work as expected.

                  For your way point flight, lets explore it together as I do have some experience on the airplane waypoint flight.


                    Originally posted by zuko View Post
                    I'm new at this,looks wise tricopters looks awesome(in my view) ,whats the advantages of the two types over the other?..stability,payload?...

                    Come to join us! you can try on my Quad prototype to have a feel!!

                    Normally will try to head to SCDF around 6 to 7pm else typical Sat and Sun evening outing.

                    Well, Tri do have the cool factor but have complexity of a Servo swing arm.

                    Quad is the simplest in my opinion to fly around and repair if needed will be minimum.


                      Another fun Quad

                      testing this out as well...


                        Calling the new and champion multi rotor pilots


                        Since we do have many multi rotor around in Singapore, why not all come together for the 1st meet??

                        I propose to have this 1st meet at SCDF field this Saturday Evening starting 4.30pm

                        Bring all your Tri, Quad, Hex, Octo or what ever you have and lets have a session to get together.

                        Venue: SCDF Field
                        Time: starting 4.30pm, 2/Oct

                        lets me start to pull the name list:

                        1. DT8666 (Quad, Hex)



                          This is the new airframe... right... From KK?

                          Originally posted by DT8666 View Post
                          testing this out as well...



                            I am planning to get some FPV Electronics. Any to recommend? So that I can hook up to say my Notebook and fly (also enjoy the scenery)


                              Originally posted by DT8666 View Post
                              testing this out as well...
                              Didn't know you had so many quads...


                                Originally posted by roypwee View Post

                                This is the new airframe... right... From KK?
                                Nope! this is the plywood version.. haha..

