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28-29/0505 Jw Ff


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    Originally posted by fuse

    planes can come and go but great friends are hard to come by.
    How true my friends....has been working in the existing company for over 8 yrs now..... I cant say I have a friend at work....wonder why .....


      Well said man... Friendships are priceless and so do the bond between family, friends and things...

      Treasure them well now...
      For the Love of Flying...


        Originally posted by loyn
        How true my friends....has been working in the existing company for over 8 yrs now..... I cant say I have a friend at work....wonder why .....

        I thought you do have 1 fren in the existing company... who happen to be the same hobby....

        or maybe.. I should say...

        I thought you do have 1 fren in the existing hobby.... who happen to be the same company



          Hi. How I wish I was there to watch those planes fly !!. Loyn hope your plane is OK ? Just wondering if my simple transmitter - a dreamstarter can be used to handle a GWS plane like those you have ? Interesting way too to create a runway using taped cardboard. Was it very windy that day?


            Originally posted by nic

            I thought you do have 1 fren in the existing company... who happen to be the same hobby....

            or maybe.. I should say...

            I thought you do have 1 fren in the existing hobby.... who happen to be the same company

            hahaha I will take the second line for it.....yes a fren in the existing hobby he is totally at a diff department connection and hardly see each other lor....

            Hi Sci , fyi my plane has been scrap on the spot due to the extends of damage is too much for repair....sigh....but that is part of flying The wind is not too strong in the morning that is why we always fly in the morning.

            Well I should say your 4 chr GWS system should work fine with any basic 4 chr planes. Only concern is you need to get micro Rx and servos. As those magnetic actuator and Rx is just too small ..... BTW which mode are your Tx ? 1 or 2 (throttle on left or right )

            If you are interested by all means join us at the JW field ..... you can fly our trainer plane worry


              Hi loyn. My transmitter is left throttle so I guess Mode 1. What time do you normally fly at JW field ?


                Ya I should know as US std is always on the left.....btw I am on the right ....who cares....

                We usually fly on Sat and Sunday from 7:45 to 10:30am. Hope you can join us this wkend. BTW we are having a super FF DH gathering on this coming Sunday .... you are welcome to come along too


                  Originally posted by Sci_fighter
                  Hi loyn. My transmitter is left throttle so I guess Mode 1. What time do you normally fly at JW field ?
                  Hi Sci_fighter,
                  Welcome to join us at JW airfield, please do bring along your small plane...we would love to see it in action in the blue sky... Your planes are all very well built. :u

                  We have one more friend in mode 2 now... Yeah...

                  142 SQN (John)
                  For the Love of Flying...


                    Yo Loyn!
                    I will joint you all this weekend if i have transport, i will pass you my e-hawk.


                      ye ! .....can test out with the BL EDF unit on it lor ....if good will get a set for myself ...... Thanks Paul ....BTW pls bring along the old yellow bat if you are coming ....can use them to fly my old cub since I lost my formosa

