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Multi Rotor flyers hang out


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    Originally posted by TruckBasher View Post

    House no need for me to be there not important you are more important but I am free next Sunday Jan 29

    it is not about being important,

    it is the passion,

    you are obviously keener than me and a lot more active than most fliers.

    give us a date for Feb to consider...


      Sounds fun....

      will try to go look see look see... not 7.30 but later...


        Originally posted by DT8666 View Post
        Sounds fun....

        will try to go look see look see... not 7.30 but later...

        hi DT8666,

        it seems we have the morning birds and
        the night owls ---QuadCopter - (NFFK) Night Flying at Buangkok Field
        to cater for whatever personality type...

        you look like the latter...

        maybe the next funfly sunday 5 pm timeslot is more appealing to both groups


          Good. That should be the way. We used to try night flying at skate part n kembangan mrt with tampinesflyer.

          Glad to see many multi flying. Today saw a naza flying at scdf.

          Tomorrow morning site can hv a short park at roadside?


            My landlord keep me up until 2AM bringing in some old things he dont want to use... but have to get a move....we'll see you guys in a few.

            House thanks for the kind words but I am just normal guy but sadly Fed 5 is the only Sunday I'll be free. As well as Jan 29. I guess I'll be watching the FF from photos again huhu but its ok as long as more an dmore members joining I am getting happy.

            Wow DT coming....and sir edwin whoohooo


              well.... I was late at 9.30am and saw edwin walking out already... so follow him turning back!

              see you guy other time... missed house's hex


                Whaaa we missed you DT but Ricchie stayed to tune his heli

                Guys, The video was plagued by vibration and rolling shutter so I rather not post it but here are some salvage picture taken from the video

                House I will try to get the photos from my girlfreinds camera and send to you.

                Until next time....


                  Short clip from my girlfriend's camera

                  Here are some of the photos

                  PS: House the vid of you hexa was a bit out of focus so nothing to give you sorry bout that


                    more photo


                      Thanks truck! Love the photos. Aerial shots are awesome! Thanks guys! See you next time and happy chinese new year to all!


                        Originally posted by TruckBasher View Post
                        So when is next fly? I am free Saturday Jan 20 and the week after that....who flying maybe I can join you on your field...But I hope its somewhere accessible...i dont drive so can only use public transport.

                        House I hope you can would be nice to see the master

                        hi TruckBasher,

                        after seeing me flew,would you still call me the master?

                        Originally posted by DT8666 View Post
                        well.... I was late at 9.30am and saw edwin walking out already... so follow him turning back!

                        see you guy other time... missed house's hex

                        my elementary skill and the heavy self made protective frame made my hex flew sluggishly.

                        really nothing to be exciting about or to be precise, my flying.

                        so DT8666, you did not miss anything.


                          tks guys for helping with the diagnosis

                          Originally posted by TruckBasher View Post

                          House no need for me to be there. i not important you are more important

                          these guys talked serious , like my fellow specialist doctors...
                          (just look at edwin3162's full concentration expression)

                          'it ascends when spin right or left...'

                          "maybe the p of the PID is not tuned.."


                          my understanding of PID is ---
                          prolapsed intervertebral disc (also known as slipped or herniated disc) is a condition that occurs when the spongy part of a disc that lies between two adjacent vertebrae in the spine comes out and presses on the nerve.

                          'you can build your own esc, but too many wires crossing over but have to be careful about shorting and cutting the wrong cable'


                          my understanding of short circuit --

                          nerves in the brain that caused A tremor --
                          is an involuntary, somewhat rhythmic, muscle contraction and relaxation involving to-and-fro movements (oscillations or twitching) of one or more body ...

                          boy, these people are not only good but passionate about this hobby.

                          wireframan said the motors must not be above 50 degree celsius.

                          how do you know?

                          he has a infrared ray thermometer to beam at the motors!

                          'when you are passionate you don't care about the money', said him...

                          these are the people whom we need to grow this multi rotor community.

                          a great asset --

                          helpful, knowledgeable,seriously passionate, prepared to spend to experiment and then share with others.

                          whatelse do you ask for.

                          thanks guys, you are important...


                            shoud we set Feb 5 sunday 5pm as the next big official Funfly?

                            Originally posted by TruckBasher View Post
                            House thanks for the kind words but I am just normal guy but sadly Fed 5 is the only Sunday I'll be free. As well as Jan 29. I guess I'll be watching the FF from photos again huhu but its ok as long as more an dmore members joining I am getting happy.

                            Wow DT coming....and sir edwin whoohooo

                            shoud we set Feb 5 sunday 5pm as the next big official Funfly?

                            today location :Geylang road-sims way ,seem ok...

                            comment pls.



                              Hi House, Thanks for the great effort we really apreciate it very much

                              nyhahaa! I'm still a complete 101% noob with it come to multicopter. Still in the incubation stage lolz! I only started 2 weeks ago. Just ask me about DJI Naza, Gaui500X-S, DX7, and trex 450 flybar, other than that I am super illiterate! lolz

                              I think I'm not that important.. but I am humbly willing to share whatever tiny knowledge I have learned and experienced with regards to qaudcopter..and sorry I gave you a wrong info..lolz! I think 50deg. c is just fine..

                              Actually some scorpion motor is rated as hot as 200deg c. So no need to worry if the motor reaches 50deg c. But my qaud is running on 40-45deg c. Uncle RCEHobby said even 55 still ok..but luckily my qaud motors havent reached that amount of heat yet.. but just a precaution, better not to exceed 50. Just my 1 centavo..

                              Anyways, thank you so very much for organizing this growing and wonderful multicopter community here in DaddyHobby. Because of this very inspiring and interesting thread I grabbed my fist qaud! and I love it! a bit expensive but I don't care it's my passion anyway. Passion is not equal to any amount, and money can't buy any passion.

                              Hope my qaud will not kiss the ground hard because only money can buy spare parts! nyahaha!

                              See you feb 5. jan 29 I'm also free..

                              I think Edwin is right.. Just remove the heavy but nice looking protection from your hex.. let's see if it flies level and steady. Don't be afraid just fly it without those protections.. crashing is always part of the hobby.



                                Suffered Slipped Disc 5 years ago and did the MRI-cool magnetic machine! lolz

