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How do u guys learn auto rotate?


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    The first step to do if you want to do autos is to have the guts to do so first.

    my first auto ended up in a disaster. but all you have to do is just make sure on your way down, dont bleed your HS too much. if you did, quickly undo throttle hold and try again. its not necessary to land on your first few autos. just practice your HS management. its actually quite easy la. its fear that make us reluctant.

    but try to do it on your sim first la....

    Kedi AH !


      Originally posted by Murdanny
      The first step to do if you want to do autos is to have the guts to do so first.

      my first auto ended up in a disaster. but all you have to do is just make sure on your way down, dont bleed your HS too much. if you did, quickly undo throttle hold and try again. its not necessary to land on your first few autos. just practice your HS management. its actually quite easy la. its fear that make us reluctant.

      but try to do it on your sim first la....

      Kekeke, Murdanny, you actually did it on your own accord at least. I was forced to lol. All kind of nonsense can happen man. From my list:

      - Glow Plug came out (dun know why, happened twice to me even when tighten properly over 6 months period)
      - Broken tail control rod, this is the most crazy, inverted somemore
      - Fan hub assembly came loose, this one could have been avoided if I had made doubly sure I sitted the rear bearings properly after overhaul.

      Dun know if it is instinct or what, but was lucky to be able to auto down.
      Stop looking for a gyro in my plane, they are all in the head.


        Originally posted by edmond22
        Kekeke, Murdanny, you actually did it on your own accord at least. I was forced to lol. All kind of nonsense can happen man. From my list:

        - Glow Plug came out (dun know why, happened twice to me even when tighten properly over 6 months period)
        - Broken tail control rod, this is the most crazy, inverted somemore
        - Fan hub assembly came loose, this one could have been avoided if I had made doubly sure I sitted the rear bearings properly after overhaul.

        Dun know if it is instinct or what, but was lucky to be able to auto down.
        . Yes yes. Its essential for all heli flyers to do a basic auto in case anything that you mention were to happen again. Plane can glide! Not your helis!

        my list is one only :

        - Fly until never notice fuel.
        Kedi AH !


          once you get the hang of the powered approaches setup throttle hold so that if you flick it in the hover you can just about keep the model flying at full collective.

          then do the same approach but with throttle hold switch flicked. As you get used to it slowly drop the throttle hold value.

          A common error in the approach is increasing the pitch above 0 too early.

          if you come in with some forward speed, 45degree approach you want to be aiming about 10ft short of where you want to land.

          When you get to about 10ft up, raise the nose a fraction, keep the pitch in the same place. This will slow the descent and forward speed as well as giving extra headspeed.

          control the nose up attitude to stop the model where you want it, then as it stops you will see it start to fall, gently increase the pitch to desend gently into the grass.

          sounds easy doesnt it :-)

          Oh yeh and do lots of sim time!



            I found that decending as level as you can will increase blade speed....provided there's little wind...and forward speed....

            Tilting the heli during approach may not achieve as high a HS as level approach....

   least this is what I noticed
            TREX 500 ESP
            Futaba T12FGH


              erm, 450 can do auto? lol

              anyway if can, while practicing flick da hold, and when about to bail out, flick back to unhold, will da gears get ripped due to torgue generated by da motor?

              i only dare to flick da hold at eye level and let da heli glide to da ground. sory stupid questions but i think i must learn this...
              Current Blink²:
              Trex-600N: TTRL53H/H#523/CarbSmart/CYATGv3-Gview/JR770T
              Beam-E4: SC-8/13T/SC-55A/LT2100T

              History Blink²:

              "Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory."
              Nate Waddoups


                Originally posted by Nazar78
                erm, 450 can do auto? lol

                anyway if can, while practicing flick da hold, and when about to bail out, flick back to unhold, will da gears get ripped due to torgue generated by da motor?

                i only dare to flick da hold at eye level and let da heli glide to da ground. sory stupid questions but i think i must learn this...
                nah its not stupid bro. i dun think the gear will get ripped. just dun flick ur throttle hold back too late tho. sometimes cant control the torque.
                Kedi AH !


                  ic²~ tankz broe, will try to risk my heli faith when i get more spares...
                  Current Blink²:
                  Trex-600N: TTRL53H/H#523/CarbSmart/CYATGv3-Gview/JR770T
                  Beam-E4: SC-8/13T/SC-55A/LT2100T

                  History Blink²:

                  "Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory."
                  Nate Waddoups


                    Safety note

                    Depending on the gyro and setup .. please do take note that the heli tail may swing when aborting the auto (throttle hold to idle mode) .. so dont bother aborting if the heli is somewhat close to the pilot already.

                    This is from a true account of a freak accident where heli pirouetted over the pilot's head upon aborting autorotation.
                    . Quick Japan EP8 EX (A30-8XL+CC60+Gy401)
                    . Raptor 50 Titan (OS50+522+CarbSmart+Gy611)
                    . Trex 600 EP (1512/3D+CC110HV+DS760 w/8900)
                    . Trex 600 N (RL53+523+CarbSmart+DS760 w/8900)
                    . B/W Stratus (OS91 SZ+MP5+ATG+CarbSmart+DS760 w/8900+8717)

                    . Ok Model Medallion
                    . E*Star Storch
                    . ElectriFly S.E.5a
                    . Mpx EzGlider (Slope)

                    Tx: JR 9XII

                    Photo toy
                    . Canon 7D & 500D
                    . Canon 430EX & 580EX2
                    . Canon 24-70 f2.8L
                    . Canon 85mm f1.8
                    . Tamron 10-22 ultrawide


                      Originally posted by CKS
                      Depending on the gyro and setup .. please do take note that the heli tail may swing when aborting the auto (throttle hold to idle mode) .. so dont bother aborting if the heli is somewhat close to the pilot already.

                      This is from a true account of a freak accident where heli pirouetted over the pilot's head upon aborting autorotation.
                      Yes...I experience something like tis before. I was practising auto rotate from quite high then I throttle up slowly about 4m above ground. Heli swing one round then settle down. But didnt react like that everytime. I using GY502.
                      After so many years, I am still a beginner


                        Luckily no one hurt in both incidents..
                        Ya.. auto too far and cant judge the level properly .. too near too risky to abort .. have a safe practice man

                        Originally posted by Bee_Flower
                        Yes...I experience something like tis before. I was practising auto rotate from quite high then I throttle up slowly about 4m above ground. Heli swing one round then settle down. But didnt react like that everytime. I using GY502.
                        . Quick Japan EP8 EX (A30-8XL+CC60+Gy401)
                        . Raptor 50 Titan (OS50+522+CarbSmart+Gy611)
                        . Trex 600 EP (1512/3D+CC110HV+DS760 w/8900)
                        . Trex 600 N (RL53+523+CarbSmart+DS760 w/8900)
                        . B/W Stratus (OS91 SZ+MP5+ATG+CarbSmart+DS760 w/8900+8717)

                        . Ok Model Medallion
                        . E*Star Storch
                        . ElectriFly S.E.5a
                        . Mpx EzGlider (Slope)

                        Tx: JR 9XII

                        Photo toy
                        . Canon 7D & 500D
                        . Canon 430EX & 580EX2
                        . Canon 24-70 f2.8L
                        . Canon 85mm f1.8
                        . Tamron 10-22 ultrawide


                          Originally posted by CKS
                          Luckily no one hurt in both incidents..
                          Ya.. auto too far and cant judge the level properly .. too near too risky to abort .. have a safe practice man
                          As always, I practice safe flying each time..... fly far from people and no hero acts......
                          After so many years, I am still a beginner


                            once your in the flare part of the auto so the headspeed is decaying dont abort. the tail swing happens because the head (and tail) speed is low, when you flick the hold out you get a big increase in torque but the tail isnt going fast enough to have the power to counteract it.

                            moral is, dont abort if the headspeed is slow.


