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Hornet II tail wagging..........


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    The best servos for hornet 2 now are the s3108s for the money.... definitely... The next best, if u wanna spend will be digitals for the cyclics, and i heard from tat they will be releasing the digital tail servo ... but later.... U'll want high resolution servos on the cyclic and a reasonably fast, resolutioned servo on the tail....

    CAn we take your probelm one by one?

    [Tail wag]

    1) Ensure you're running a high enough highspeed... keep it at 2200rpms and above....

    2) Grease your tail grip screws...

    3) If u've a reasonably high speed servo ( the HS-50 types) at around 1.0s... u'll wanna try putting the link as close to the servo arm centre as possible. I'd suggest changing out the stock clevises for ball links and balls...

    4) Ensure your tail servo is mounted 100% steadfast.... That means the servo tape will not give or shimmy whenever u have tail input.... If need be, heatshrink the servo and expoxy the servo down.

    5) Set up ur rudder endpoints properly. EPA (servo adjustment travel) must be set up with no binding on either side. NO SUBTRIMS; SUBTRIMS= 0%; TRIMS = 0%

    6) U trim out the rudder and tail by adjusting the distance of your servo to and from the tail... Essentially, you must use a linkage rod that can be lengthened or shortened.

    7) If u wanna be gungho about it like i was, either by a ball-raced bell-crank, or build your self one like DOug and I have. All you need is a Flanged bearing, ID 2mm, OD6mm.... Doug used links, I cut my bellcrank from a phonecard and used 'sandwiches'

    8) Ensure your pitch range is big enough for your tail to function...

    If the distance between angles is too small between each point of the pitch curve, then your tail will have problem catching up.....

    Good pitch curves for the hornets are found on the Hornet forum, please feel free to look there..... And if u're flying outdoor, make sure u got some negative pitch or u have enough to invert at either end when it gets windy.... Oh and never fly the hornet 2 without all Normal, Idle 1, Idle 2 and Throttle Cut points, set up fully.....

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      HI! MicroHeli-Nut,

      Thanks on your review to me,very detail on Hornet II. As for the brushless motor did anyone here used the MS EM300 or EM400 Twister Axial Brushless Motor? Or even the MS116 and MS023 Brushless Motor Controller? Some forums members fly with Twister , Himaxxx and Hacker. Over here most flyers fly with Himaxxx HA2015 was it because the power and flight time is more better then other motors?


