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Lipo Battery wierd occurance


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    Lipo Battery wierd occurance

    Did anyone experience lipo that are not bloated or puffed but expanded? As in lipo supposed to be nice slim rectangular packets right? Few of mine batts ranging from el-cheapo batts to good batts have 1 strange problem.. One of the cell either the 1st or the last cell, the 'backside' area expanded.. Not sure this is a good explanation but anyway, whenever that 'sign' happens on any of my lipo, that particular cell loses charge very very fast.. If i put a balancer on it the whole day, i think the whole pack will gone case..
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    Originally posted by john_3330
    Did anyone experience lipo that are not bloated or puffed but expanded? As in lipo supposed to be nice slim rectangular packets right? Few of mine batts ranging from el-cheapo batts to good batts have 1 strange problem.. One of the cell either the 1st or the last cell, the 'backside' area expanded.. Not sure this is a good explanation but anyway, whenever that 'sign' happens on any of my lipo, that particular cell loses charge very very fast.. If i put a balancer on it the whole day, i think the whole pack will gone case..
    Hi John, When the Lipo expanded, it means there is a gas built up inside the packs. When the cells expanded it is known as bloating so it is difficult to seperate the term expanded and bloating

    When the cells expanded or bloated you got a bad lipo cells.

    Some cells maybe partially damaged and can have limited use(limited max current discharge) . Otherwise it maybe wise to dispose them safely.

    Here is the explanation of expanded size or bloating cells.

    1) one or more cells have discharge below the threshold of 2.7-2.8V per cells and releases gas internally hence the expanded or bloating looks on the packs.

    2) Over discharge of the maximun handling current beyond the capabilities of the cells...that is to say you drive the cells too hard.

    3) cells store too long at fully charge state.

    4) some cells already damaged partially and they self discharge over time to below 2.7V (even you did nothing to them...just by leaving them at 50% charge at initial state)

    Normally good lipo can hold their voltage for quite an extended period without loosing their charge but damaged cells won't hold that charge for long.


