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WTS: Formosa 1, AXI 2212/20, CC35, HS-65 Servos, LiPos


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    WTS: Formosa 1, AXI 2212/20, CC35, HS-65 Servos, LiPos

    Hi all,

    I hardly have the time to fly nowadays, so I would be selling off my Formosa 1 if I can can a reasonable offer for it. Here is what I spent on it.

    1) Formosa 1 Kit - Bought $65
    2) AXI2212/20 Gold Line - Bought $110
    3) Castle Creations PHX-35 ESC - Bought $139.80
    4) 3 * HS-65HB Mighty Feather Karbonite Geared Servo - $39.50 each - $118.50
    5) 4 * Thunder Power 3S 1320 - $60 each - $240 (Less than 20 cycles each)
    6) APC Props - 8x6 & 9x6
    Total I spent for items 1) to 6): $673.30+

    Selling only as a set as it would be too troublesome for me to sell them off seperately.

    Selling items 1) to 6) only as a set for S$400
    Deal only at PFW. Can do a demo flight if needed.
    Please PM me if you are interested.


    Wow, that is some powerful electronic setup for this plane !

    Too bad not considering split, cos i want the plane only...


      wow...the formosa is equipped with super high end parts.
      upz for you man....


        Yes, thanks... Nothing but the best electronics as I intended to transplant to my future planes. Unfortunately no time to fly nowadays.
        Make me an offer - reasonable offer please.


          Long time no see u at PFW bro, up for u.


            Thanks TCS.... Upz...


              Up for you man

              Take what you've got and fly with it - Jim Henson
              ... no plane will allow a pilot to recover from stupid. You still have to do those piloty things... - Joe Wurts
              Electric things run on smoke. Let the smoke out and they won't work.



                Upz... Make me a reasonable offer and I will let go of this since I don't have the chance to fly it. Thanks.


                  Formosa 1

                  Bro, what is your lowest price that you can let go? i am interested on that. Sms me will do. 9852-7082


                    Hi all,
                    A few guys have asked me the lowest price I will go..
                    Lowest I will go is $350, or $250 (without the CC PHX-35 ESC). Thanks.

                    1) Formosa 1 Kit - Bought $65
                    2) AXI2212/20 Gold Line - Bought $110
                    3) Castle Creations PHX-35 ESC - Bought $139.80
                    4) 3 * HS-65HB Mighty Feather Karbonite Geared Servo - $39.50 each - $118.50
                    5) 4 packs * Thunder Power 3S 1320 - $60 each - $240 (Less than 20 cycles each)
                    6) APC Props - 8x6 & 9x6
                    Total I spent for items 1) to 6): $673.30+

                    Selling only as a set as it would be too troublesome for me to sell them off seperately.


                      Hi Bro!

                      Bro, S$280 for the above mention stuff...If OK just called me at HP 9852-7082


                        Sorry f22, I am not able lowest price would not be the lowest if I go any lower. I will keep the plane if no one wants it.
                        Thanks for your interest.

