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WTB charger for Li-ion & Ni-MH


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    WTB charger for Li-ion & Ni-MH

    Hi Everyone!

    I am looking for a charger for Li-ion & Ni-MH. New to this forum but know that there's a (WOW!) lots of experts here. Embarking on this new (uncharted waters) unknown hobby and currently is in need of a charger for continued pursuit of this enthralling & intriguing interest.

    Much appreciative of any kind souls whom may have a charger to lose for some money in exchange, or advise where I may land myself on one without losing a leg & arm.

    Either reply here or I may also be reached at

    Kind regards,

    I no expert here.. Just to give u some suggestion that I might think it is cheap solution.

    If u are looking for Li-Poly only charger, there is a cheap one (OK for normal usage.. I'm using it also). It is Prolux Charger (No. 3834 on the top right hand corner). For what I know, Rotor hobby and Champion is selling but I prefer u to get from Rotor Hobby instead.

    I think the price is S$55 or S$58. Another alternative will be buy from Sebastian. He is selling his Kokam charger off.

    As for NiMH, it depend on what u have. If u are refering to AA battery, then just use those AA charger battery that u can get from Harvey Norman or anyway else. If u are refering to NiMH battery pack, then wait for other to reply to u.


