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newbie in heli


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    newbie in heli

    wat do u mean by trimming the heli some saY THAT BEFORE YOU can even hover they say must trim wat do they mean by that pls help, i don't know even how to hover. help help

    Hi.Hope you get your ans soon.You get more help if you had post in the right place...


      It will be better for an experienced flyer to have ur heli trimmed out before u start learning on it. Else you won't be able to learn properly and learning progress will be delayed.

      Having it trimmed out means to corect all the minor deviations of the heli during flight via the radio trim, to achieve a more or less neutral heli. One reason a beginner will not be able to do it properly is due to the lack of flying experience, wouldn't know if the heli is out of trim or is it due to enviromental factors like the wind, sloping ground, etc.


        Originally posted by ammo
        It will be better for an experienced flyer to have ur heli trimmed out before u start learning on it. Else you won't be able to learn properly and learning progress will be delayed.

        Having it trimmed out means to corect all the minor deviations of the heli during flight via the radio trim, to achieve a more or less neutral heli. One reason a beginner will not be able to do it properly is due to the lack of flying experience, wouldn't know if the heli is out of trim or is it due to enviromental factors like the wind, sloping ground, etc. addition, mechanical trimming is important too..


          maybe mod can move this thread to heli section...

