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Pictures from JB Royal Airfiefd


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    Originally posted by Jcho
    Hi Durex,

    Can you arrange it one weekday? Weekend limited time outside the house; wife will . On weekday we could take leave and fly there from morning to 5pm....anyone keen?

    Hi Jcho,
    Not sure whether can fly on wkdays coz that place is a real airfield. It belongs to the Sultan of Johore. When we were there on Sunday afternoon, the Sultan was there watching us flying. I think that some of the flyers there are govt officials or maybe working for the Sultan, that's why they have the access to the field. I also noticed they carry radio set(walkie-talkie) with them and their vehicles have big, long antennas attached to it. Will find out for you the details, and if there are those who interested to join in, maybe can arrange.

    Flying Without Wings


      Originally posted by durex
      Hi AstroBoy,
      We might be planning to go there again, maybe this time you might want to join us. Will let you guys know. The place is fantastic , I'm sure you'll love the place
      Hi Durex, YES! I would love to go there and fly, could you arrange a weekday funfly with the JB folks as suggested by Jcho? I like the idea of taking a day off and go fly there, super RELAX lah! weekend hard to make it as i have other family commitments, thanks man!

      I PM'd you.


        Originally posted by AstroBoy
        Hi Durex, YES! I would love to go there and fly, could you arrange a weekday funfly with the JB folks as suggested by Jcho? I like the idea of taking a day off and go fly there, super RELAX lah! weekend hard to make it as i have other family commitments, thanks man!

        I PM'd you.
        Hi Steven,
        I'll try to find out more details about the place.Will keep you update.

        Flying Without Wings


          Aisyeh! Was busy that day and could not join and meet you guys!
          Anyway those guys there are not gov officials but HAM (Radio Amateur) members. It is easier for them to keep in touch and talk all day long on their hobbies.
          You can oso fly everyday there too if you are so free and dun have to work.
          There are also some guys who ular there during working hours
          As for me, I can hardly find time to fly anymore.
          73 de 9 Mike 2 Yankee Yankee Yankee


            Originally posted by Cheng
            Aisyeh! Was busy that day and could not join and meet you guys!
            Anyway those guys there are not gov officials but HAM (Radio Amateur) members. It is easier for them to keep in touch and talk all day long on their hobbies.
            You can oso fly everyday there too if you are so free and dun have to work.
            There are also some guys who ular there during working hours
            As for me, I can hardly find time to fly anymore.
            Hi Cheng,
            Were you there at the field last Sunday? Anyway nice to meet you. Thanx for those info, will let the rest of the guys know and will arrange another funfly there soon.

            Flying Without Wings


              Thanks Alfian! Coffee on me!


                OK Good lets plan for a week day funfly.....Durex....How? You want to suggest a weekday where we come drive in?


                  Originally posted by Jcho
                  OK Good lets plan for a week day funfly.....Durex....How? You want to suggest a weekday where we come drive in?
                  Hi guys,
                  The guys are planning to drive in on the 25th Jun, Saturday. As for me, weekdays are very tight coz of my work schedule. If you guys can make it on the 25th, it will be great. I'm only available on wknd

                  Flying Without Wings


                    Hi Durex, 25th June is ok with me, count me in for the entourage to JB Royal Polo Field, it would be nice to meet with our Malaysian counterparts


                      Originally posted by durex
                      Hi guys,
                      The guys are planning to drive in on the 25th Jun, Saturday. As for me, weekdays are very tight coz of my work schedule. If you guys can make it on the 25th, it will be great. I'm only available on wknd
                      Hi Durex,

                      What time you guys flying? Usually till what time? See my Air Traffic controller give clearance on that day not?



                        U guys r most welcome!!
                        As what we always said, 'The more the merrier'!
                        RC, HAM & IT


                          Originally posted by Jcho
                          What time you guys flying? Usually till what time? See my Air Traffic controller give clearance on that day not?

                          Usually we start abt 2:30pm till 7pm. If the weather is allow, sometime there's ppl there even 1pm.

                          RC, HAM & IT


                            Alfian Me INNNNNN...i busy reinforcing my landing gear mount on the velox..bloody hell such a thin layer..but whatever..the velox was a beauty...power up to a os91..its gonna be a mean bird..see ya on the 25th..dont forget..our brother Dean getting married this sunday..
                            To Buy Lists

                            a) RX Crytal 29.800 Futaba


                              Robo..can we purchase the radio set for ourself or not..if got do Patrick have a feq scanner..
                              To Buy Lists

                              a) RX Crytal 29.800 Futaba


                                hey guys,

                                if your looking for a huge field here in singapore come look at the big field at old holland rd and blackmore rd. its actualy trespassing......but last time police come when about 12 cars parked along the road and say 'you know your not alowed to be here right?' then watch us fly for 15 minutes

                                now nobody fly there anymore because they closed blackmore side, i still go in from old holland rd side

                                have such big field to myself (and the ocasional dog walker)
                                come join me, so lonely....

                                the field about 600m wide by 150 m long
                                (and only 2 min from my house!!! )

