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[Video] Firehawk (scale)


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    [Video] Firehawk (scale)

    This Firehawk looks very scale. It even has the working horizontal stabilizer I think. It also have "canted" or tilted tail rotor as well.

    Firehawk Video
    { WMV format. 52.9MBytes. 6minutes and 34 seconds }

    Veri nice! Thanks For sharing.

    Question, y does this heli need to have tilted tail rotor? isn't those perpendicular tail more effective?


      There are some helicopter (real one) that they purposely design to have tilted/canted tail rotor.
      1. Black/Sea/Jay/Fire/Night Hawk (or all UH-60 variant)
      2. Super Stallion (CH-53E) (no...not the one use in Transformer movie)
      3. Comanche (It is tilted fenestron fan)

      The reason they do that is to create some lift for the tail. When tail rotor is straight, it only provide thrust to control the tail....thus all the engine energy being wasted just to control the tail. By tilting the rotor downward, the downwash from the tail rotor will provide some lift for the tail as well.



        Originally posted by Super-Hornet View Post
        There are some helicopter (real one) that they purposely design to have tilted/canted tail rotor.
        1. Black/Sea/Jay/Fire/Night Hawk (or all UH-60 variant)
        2. Super Stallion (CH-53E) (no...not the one use in Transformer movie)
        3. Comanche (It is tilted fenestron fan)

        The reason they do that is to create some lift for the tail. When tail rotor is straight, it only provide thrust to control the tail....thus all the engine energy being wasted just to control the tail. By tilting the rotor downward, the downwash from the tail rotor will provide some lift for the tail as well.

        IC, since the tail rotor provide some lift for the heli, that means the CG of the heli will be different from those use the straight rotor tail method rite?

        Also for the tilted tail rotor, it has to work extra hard/spin faster/greater angle of attack to counter the the main blades rotation as well as to provide of the tail lift rite?


          Not really on the CG thing. It should be the same or +ve/-ve abit out. Remember that the tail is not like 90Degree tilted. It is only tilt by 15 Degree angle. That mean it does not affect much of the tail authority. Furthermore, the tail is 4 bladed.



            Ai 450 size or not Since I cash my AH1W , now looking for a new fuselage leh.....SH bring your pave hawk tonight, see if can fit to the mini-T......


              My Pavehawk (1:18) is very roomy for TRex450 and mini-titan.... It is the weight and the length of the tail that is having problem. We cannot use our existing tail belt type to drive it because of that length, the belt will flapping around.

              BTW, tonite (Jul 10, 2008) go flying or not har... the usual basketball court is now occupied by prayer related.



                Originally posted by Super-Hornet View Post
                Not really on the CG thing. It should be the same or +ve/-ve abit out. Remember that the tail is not like 90Degree tilted. It is only tilt by 15 Degree angle. That mean it does not affect much of the tail authority. Furthermore, the tail is 4 bladed.

                IC, so it is more for design purposes rather than engineering purposes


                  It is engineering purpose. So far Sikorsky heli uses such practise.

                  U normally seen this in big heli. Maybe due to big heli, their tail tend to be heavy. Thus by using such design, the tail rotor will provide some lift on the tail.



                    Just like in real helicopter, the main rotor/main shaft is design in such a way it is tilted forward a bit. It may not seen alot but it has its purpose of doing so.



                      Originally posted by Super-Hornet View Post

                      U normally seen this in big heli. Maybe due to big heli, their tail tend to be heavy. Thus by using such design, the tail rotor will provide some lift on the tail.

                      Sounds logical

