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Merlion 2006 National Day Tow Flag


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    Merlion 2006 National Day Tow Flag

    Who say you need a Heli to Tow the National Flag for the fly-by. Imagine performance this indoor. Enjoy...

    Video taken by my son. A bit shaky...

    Cheers ...

    You may need to right click and save the file first and run.


      State flag drop on floor.


        Hi. Thanks for sharing... I know it is not easy to land in such a constraint space which was promised to be bigger during the rehearsal with less crowd but you certainly did well... the Mayor was very happy with your performance... thanks for your effort in making all these successful.


          Originally posted by Adrianli
          State flag drop on floor.


          It was a last minute thing and did not make arrangement for callers to catch the flag. Next time will surely do so.

          But even the real one also has to lay the flag on the floor during take-off and landing. RC Gas heli tow flag also do the same. Hence it is normally acceptable during National Day celebration as long as its for a good cause.

          So unless you are towing very small flag using Mini or Micro heli its hard not to let the flag drop on the floor. Of cause it is not impossible.

          So Adrianli, happy to know you are concern about any inappropriate handling of our state flag. The Merlion only flys with state fly during National celebration upon invitation from GRC/CC etc. Hence you will not see it flying with state flag in any funfly gathering unless we are preparing for the national day celebration.


            It meant as a joke lah. No need so seriously.

            Any distress caused , please excuse me. Sorry

