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Battery Arming Switch idea


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    Battery Arming Switch idea

    Let's admit that we had our moments where the plane gets stuck up in a tree and the battery spoils because of that...

    I've had an idea recently but I haven't found the materials to make it. I wanted to connect a servo to a switch, which could be activated via the Tx to disconnect the battery in the event of getting the plane stuck, can someone give me ideas/ tell me where I can get some switches that can handle the current of the RC batteries? I also need to find out what kind of servo to use because servos got their limits too, can't pull out a dean plug ._.


    Once I get enough idea, ima get to building

    How about a small 2pcs. Three way switch and one of the switch hook up in a servo and the other one u manually switch it when u want to activate the battery...what do u think?


      Instead of using switch, u might want to considered using MOSFET instead...Or DIAC.

      The reason is that, normally switch has very small contact. If your airplane is high current, the switch might get burn out 1st.

      But if your airplane is using very small current, then normal switch can but again, normally switch has small contact. The switch u going to use might end up to be too big for your plane to take off.



        Bro HS.. I didnt realize that.. Think u are right..


          Hmm... not so sure about MOSFET or DIAC, though I've googled and wiki'd it @.@ but looking at the diagrams for MOSFET it looks like it may be able to work... Any idea where I can buy MOSFETs?


            MOSFET is a type of transistor you can buy at the various electronic component shops at 3rd floor of sim lim tower... question is, there are thousands of models, with various specs... the shop is going to ask you what you want?? And they don't stock every single thing... if you insist on specific items, you have to order online from suppliers like Farnell or RS.

            If you want a switch that can be controlled by your TX, have a look at this:

            Airworthy: FMS Mini Trojan, Cloudsfly, BF-109 Funfighter, HK Mini Stick, Flasher 450 Pro, Mini Titan v2, E-Flite Blade MCPx.
            NIB: Multiplex FunCub, HK T-45.


              what happen if you are flying and accidently activate it?

              prevention is better than cure..
              leran and dun fly near the line or tree..


                horbeeking sells one

                you can get the " Turnigy Receiver Controlled Switch "

                Plug it into your receiver and you instantly have an on/off switch controlled by any channel on your radio.
                The Turnigy switch will complete a circuit when the radio channel passes 50%. Connect it to your flap or gear channel for an instant on/off switch!
                Great for custom lighting, sound or effects projects, remote glow igniters, remote starter motors or even custom smoke machines. The possibilities are endless!

                Maximum throughput : 10A / 30v
                Weight: 7g

                USD 6.63 Per Pc


                  For N-MOSFET IRFZ44N, u can get it in Sim Lim Tower, Farnell. I bought mine in Sim Lim Tower though. I used that for my Spark Eliminator circuitry (posted in this forum before) and as well as Navigation light circuitry.

                  Another high powered MOSFET u can get is from salvaging your old motherboard. Those square chips that are near the CPU are the MOSFET.

                  Another idea for your situation is, instead of using ON/OFF "switch" to turn off your battery when get stuck on the tree is to use "Low Voltage Cutoff".

                  Low Voltage Cutoff circuitry are normally used in the Notebook/Laptop/Handphone battery. Those battery has a build in circuitry that, when the voltage drop to certain level, it will cut off the circuitry in order to protect the battery from over discharging...thus protecting your battery.

                  So, u can use a Low Voltage Cutoff circuitry that will cut off the battery when the battery reaches lets say 9.6 Volt (3S..which mean each cell is 3.2Volt).



                    @foxkilo Ah yes, but I don't need a booster you see XP

                    @rt9 True, but although I've learnt that my school still has a pretty large tree near our "runway" which is why I wanted to make this switch in the first place!

                    @beefncake Hmmm looks good! I think I'll go check that out :P

                    @Super-Hornet That sounds like a great idea! I'll go research on those Low Voltage Cutoff circuitry

                    Thanks for all your wonderful replies and helpful thoughts, guys!

