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BL connections ?


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    BL connections ?


    I'm using the CC Pheonix 10 ESC and about to power a LensRC BL motor of 25 turns.

    Running on 2S1P.

    This is the first time I'm using a BL, any bros can advise the connections?

    I was told to trail and error since the motor and ESC will not "siow" (Burn). Worst case is motor runs backwards only. This is true? Or is there any watch area to look out for ?

    Thanks in advance.

    72.790 MHz

    Originally posted by rc1q2w3e4r

    I'm using the CC Pheonix 10 ESC and about to power a LensRC BL motor of 25 turns.

    Running on 2S1P.

    This is the first time I'm using a BL, any bros can advise the connections?

    I was told to trail and error since the motor and ESC will not "siow" (Burn). Worst case is motor runs backwards only. This is true? Or is there any watch area to look out for ?

    Thanks in advance.

    most of the controller manual's can be gather here.

    follow the manual to program ur ESC. If you link white-white wire, black-black wire, red-red wire, by default u should be getting anti-clockwise rotation. else by connecting white-black wire and black-white wire, red-red wire. u should be getting clockwise rotation.

    anyone, correct me if i am wrong



      However the CD rom motor that I've pruchased comes with 3 wires of the same colour. Just wondering if anything will be damaged if they are wired out of phase ? If you know what I mean, just opposite but in phase is still alright (opposite rotation only) but if out of phase, then the motor might cause the ESC to "sio".

      Please correct me if I'm wrong, newbie anyway.

      Thanks again.

      72.790 MHz


        4get to add that the onli think u should NOT do is.

        1. link a high cell to wat ur ESC cant take. wat i know frm CC ESC was if it is rated CC10Amp then it can take in at the most 15amps. same goes to CC20 or CC25.

        2. nvm make ur BL motor work without load for more than a min. coz the high RPM can drain "tons" of current frm ur cells, thereby cause ur cell to discharge at a more than normal rate.



          I thought running the bl motor w/o load is bad for the motor not batteries the current draw w/o load is actually very low
          TX:2 Sanwa Quasars , Futaba 9C super (heli)
          Gliders :JW 54 , Sprinter , Flip400 (unbuilt)
          Planes: Jumping Jack,,Zoom 4D,IFO, magic 3d,
          Helis:Feda,Zap 400


            Originally posted by steadybongbibi
            4get to add that the onli think u should NOT do is.

            1. link a high cell to wat ur ESC cant take. wat i know frm CC ESC was if it is rated CC10Amp then it can take in at the most 15amps. same goes to CC20 or CC25.

            2. nvm make ur BL motor work without load for more than a min. coz the high RPM can drain "tons" of current frm ur cells, thereby cause ur cell to discharge at a more than normal rate.

            1. For ESC, there is usually a max continous and max peak for a duration for say 5 seconds etc, As long as you stick it to cell count recommendation, it doesn't really matter if your cell is capable of mammoth discharge, instead, you need to understand the current draw your motor on a desired prop will create and mate a battery that is capable of discharging that amount. OF course, your ESC being the middleman must be capable of taking that current.

            2. The current will be low, hence the no load current specs usually specified on manufacturer's page etc. I have yet to see more than say 3 amp current draw on no loading lol. The Cells will be just fine actually. Your worries are the high RPM that will create heat on the BL motor, good to test rotation but dun run it for a prolonged duration.
            Stop looking for a gyro in my plane, they are all in the head.


              Thanks for correcting me.

