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Futaba 9CHP's Frequency TX Module is a good Design... I burn it.


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    Futaba 9CHP's Frequency TX Module is a good Design... I burn it.

    Hi all

    Today I was doing some modification on my 9CHP Frequency Module and I accidentally connect reversely. After power ing up, I smell something burning and RX not receiving any signal.

    It turn out to be my Frequency Module burn....DAMN!

    After disect the Frequency Module Metal Grounding Casing and doing some electronics troubleshooting I found out the 78L05 Voltage Regulator inside it burn (No physicall burn mark). It is a size of a normal 2N2222 Transistor. I do not have 78L05 with me so I replace it with LM7805C and since the size is bigger, I have to do a bit of allocation to put it in.
    I test it and it works. Phew! Luckly not other things damage. I initially wanted to go down to LHS to buy one but no LHS open on Sunday.

    It is interesting to know that the Futaba Frequency Module design such a way that the +ve and ground pins is opposite each other. So, if accidentally reverse it, it will kill the Voltage Regulator instead.


    I am not a electronic expert, but my guess is, all good electronic equipment must have failsafe triggers installed to protect a few hundred dollars.

    Guess they knew about people like you and me (and some others), who loves opening things up and fiddle fiddle, korek korek then kaboom!

