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AXI or Hacker motor


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    AXI or Hacker motor

    Still cannot decide which motor to use to power the glow conversion.

    I saw many post in US is using the AXI 2820/10. But I also notice that the HAcker A30 series seems to have lower A drawn. So if I want to have motor that equal to a glow engine that spin APC 10x5 prop (was using a OS32SX), which is the better motor to go for?

    Reason to look for lower amp drawn is to have a lower cost setup on ESC. Was thinking of 35A range ESC.

    I also ready to use 4S setup in this case.

    Any suggestion?

    Never use Hacker b4, have an AXI 2808/34, crash two story straight down broke two firewalls but motor still ok.

    Bought from SHS cos they'll will send back for service if there anything wrong. Ofcos, you pay for the postage. so far no problem.
    Lonely flyer


      Originally posted by Hugh Lim
      Never use Hacker b4, have an AXI 2808/34, crash two story straight down broke two firewalls but motor still ok.

      Bought from SHS cos they'll will send back for service if there anything wrong. Ofcos, you pay for the postage. so far no problem.
      I hv both AXI 2212 ans 2208 also, no complaint so far. Just like know if Hacker do have a better current draw as stated.


        Hi DT8666,

        Before you decide on which motor, if the plane flies well on OS32 with 9x6 prop. A typical OS32 output about 800 watts at 12,000 rpm. If you are converting the glo to electric, will the all up weight going to be the same as the glo? IF higher, u might have to add a bit more power, lighter can reduce some power.

        The battery doesn't like to be operated at 100% so the cruising should be about 70 to 80%.

        If u are thinking of the 2820/10 and A30/10XL, both power plant will be able to power the plane. The Hacker a little bit more powerful. No aerobatics.


          Originally posted by X34
          Hi DT8666,

          Before you decide on which motor, if the plane flies well on OS32 with 9x6 prop. A typical OS32 output about 800 watts at 12,000 rpm. If you are converting the glo to electric, will the all up weight going to be the same as the glo? IF higher, u might have to add a bit more power, lighter can reduce some power.

          The battery doesn't like to be operated at 100% so the cruising should be about 70 to 80%.

          If u are thinking of the 2820/10 and A30/10XL, both power plant will be able to power the plane. The Hacker a little bit more powerful. No aerobatics.
          Thanks X34. The plane sure fly well with 10x5 prop setup. this proven with my early try of glo and also many mod in US with AXI 2820/10 and 10x5 APC.

          Seems like that is the way to go. I just trying to go for lower amp setup so I don't need to speed too much on higher amp ESC.


            Originally posted by DT8666
            I just trying to go for lower amp setup so I don't need to speed too much on higher amp ESC.

            You got the concept right, always shoot for lower amps. The savings is not just the esc but other components as well.

            Our air in SG is heavier, same set up in our local condition will draw 5~10% higher current. If they are running 10x5, u may have to run 10X4 to draw the same amps.


