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New Flyer need help- combination of


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    New Flyer need help- combination of

    Dear all,

    I just join this hobby. Only fly FMS simulator.
    I just bought a Thunder Tiger EP Park Flyer Mr. Mulligen.
    I got a JR Quattro 36 (36.410MHZ) transmitter but no reciever. (Second hand one so not complete).

    Need your good advice..

    If i want to used brushless motor. Any good advice for the combination
    and price pls. Where to buy? Champion Hobby ah? What else do i need to make my plane ready to fly??

    I do self study but end up confusing myself with the terminology. EP is quite complicated I think. what 3p1s, 2p1s, 3p2s. 10A,20A,30A? I dun know leh

    Tks a lot!

    10A,20A,30A is the current. 3S is the no. of lipo cell.

    Motor : AXI 2212/34 8Amp max (gold or silver)

    ESC : Castle Creation,phi10 or tb18 must be greater than motor max amp but not too much.

    Charger: I'm using Tahmazo TL-4 parallel charger, no more balancing needed after charge, $86. Need to get chaging connectors, SHS $6.10/ea, simlim tower $1.3/ea.

    These three are worth investing cos they'er one of the best brands. get them form SHS.

    Batt: 3S($72) or 2S($53) 11.1V 730mah 13c $72, watch the weight, too heavy will affect flying ability. Jet hobby & SHS
    Batt from SHS come wif connector for TL-4

    Receiver: can try Hitec

    Prop: 11X5.5 3S , 12X8 2S. anywhere
    Lonely flyer


      Hi Lim,

      Tks for the advice, how come batt need ballancing after charging? you mean let it run until certain working temp?

      Normally do we need higher capacity battery like 1500-2000mah so that it can fly longer? Since you suggest is 730mah.

      How much is the motor and WSC you suggest?



        Hi VVTI
        While in your quest to learn the rope, I suggest you try out the stock motor & setup 1st. It actually flew quite well.

        Once you aer better at it the go for the BL setup.

        I flew mostly in ponggol area. If you like can go for some fun fly session together sometime.


          Originally posted by vvti
          Hi Lim,

          Tks for the advice, how come batt need ballancing after charging? you mean let it run until certain working temp?

          Normally do we need higher capacity battery like 1500-2000mah so that it can fly longer? Since you suggest is 730mah.

          How much is the motor and WSC you suggest?

          When Lipo was new in the market, there is no charger which charges individual cell. So they used to charge multiple cells in series. same like the rc cars. If the lipo is not discharge equally the cell with higher power might get over charge and blow up. So they have lipo balancer. some guys say you need to balance after charge by discharging them, I see no reason to do that.

          New chargers like my TL4 charges 2S or 3S individually and when anyone is fully charge it'll stop charging for that cell and continue to charge the rest until they are all equally charged. After that all charging stoped so you'll not get overcharge.

          Yours is a small 3D plane, using a bigger capacity batt will mean carrying more weight. It'll be harder to fly, you need to keep up with the throttle or it will drop like a rock. 3D plane dn't glide, not enough power means fall. If bat is very heavy, more damage.

          Its better to fly 5min than loosing it, if duration is what you want, try glider. (My next plane )

          I already lost my formies bcos of that. Next time dnt spend $50 buying formies, u can build them urself 4 less than $10. I can give u the plans.

          Motor about $100 I guess, ESC: $110-$135

          If money is ur concern try the original 350 (max 8amp) that come with your plane 1st, get GWS ESC from Pips Hobby. ICS-480Li($31) for lipo, 15A continuous, 25A max. But you can't use it for BL.
          Lonely flyer


            Thks Hugh and Joed !

            Precious advice! I will keep in mind. I heard that if you use BL, the power consumption is lower. Therefore can use a smaller battery like 750 -1000mah.

            Brush 10min, BL maybe 18-25min using same 800mh batt.
            Correct me if i am wrong.

            Tks & Rgds,


              Depend on the power consumption.

              We always use max Amp to calculate the time.

              I.e. motor max 10A, batt 800mAh or 0.8A

              Discharge rate(c) = 10/0.8=12.5C

              Time = 60min/12.5C (provided the lipo can have 12.5C or high)
              = 4.8min

              BL is more efficient and better power to weight ratio, but I unless ur motor is very small I have not seen 800mAh flying so long.

              Follow the cal. abve to find out ur safe flying time. Also watch ur wing loading. (wing area vs weight) dnt get overwieght.
              Lonely flyer

