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Wind monitoring at Bedok Reservoir


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    Originally posted by ammo
    Ok guys, i'll try to be there tomorrow morning at 8:30

    It's going to be a big challenge for my alarm clock
    haha not the alarm clock
    is ur body clock

    me is " Kancheong spider "


      Some wind still blowing!

      Just when we thought the season is coming to an end......

      We were fortunate to experience some pre-storm wind on SAT afternoon. I had about an hour flight with my Ehawk and Ptero. Sunstom flew his ehawk 1400, Dennis was tearing the sky apart with his fast dive on his YELLOW banana.

      Francis finally managed to tweak his ASK-21 to controllable flight. He also flew his beautiful >2m red winged...I forgot the name that he told me.

      Nice flying on SAT.



        Yeah, Saturday was a great day.

        (this is like an essay)

        After the guys (MSC, Dennis and Francis) left, I flew the eHawk till the birds came and tried to chase around my eHawk. So it was a case of eHawk vs Crows. Well, a quick about turn and dive towards the centre of the flock scared them off. They fluttered away, cawing loudly.

        Bedok Reservoir has a lot of bird life. I saw 2-3 eagles, and 2-3 flocks of ....some birds which I could not identify. Squirrels and monkeys add to the variety. There's also the graceful flocks of white egrets that fly by.

        After 1-2 hours of continous flying, my TX batt was running low, so with sore hands I landed the glider(not very gracefully - lack of practice). First time I ever drained a TX battery - from 11 volts to about 9 plus volts.

        In the far distance, towards Tampines in the North, I can see tiny dark specks moving in the sky, in loops. I think they must be other RC aircraft - really large ones. Took a seat and enjoyed the scenery.

        Went back to the car...could not start. Turned out that I had left the signal lights on. Called my friend to rescue me and jumpstart. I was feeling pretty good - so stored gliders in the car and went for a walk around Bedok Reservoir.

        It's a nice place. The reservoir is like a dumping ground for aquatic pets - so I saw a lot of 'wild' red-eared-terrapins (the terrapins you see sold in pet stores - they are actually native to America and can destroy native species). There have been reports of low grade Arowanas being dumped there as well, I saw the outline of one and another Plecostomus (sucker fish).

        I think I must head there again when season is over...not with a glider, but with a digital SLR and a macro and a 300mm lens.

        Friend came, rescued me, jump started and we both drove off for dinner and a drink.

        I think next season I must make up for lost time. Come in the morning - bring 2 TX batteries!

        p.s please don't dump your unwanted terrapins anywhere else. I think Bedok Reservoir is fine because it is not a natural place, but let's say like MacRitchie, it can outcompete the native terrapin species and cause them to be extinct.
        "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual


          Wind has not been blowing from NE for last 3 days.

          Slope season is over!
          "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual


            Is it time to pack up the gliders back into boxes yet?
            I am making a new pair of wings for my SkyRunner. This is a powered glider for some relax flying in the fields.


              Originally posted by msc
              Is it time to pack up the gliders back into boxes yet?
              I am making a new pair of wings for my SkyRunner. This is a powered glider for some relax flying in the fields.
              Not enough leh ! ...dun pack them into the boxes yet, instead put towhooks onto them !

              Okay, dun wanna OT here again, I'll start a new thread on Hi starts and Winch launching.
              Seriously running out of ...Storage space !


                Any aero-tow services around?

                Should I get a Multiplex Magister?

                "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual


                  Guys, appears to have decent wind today in the generally correct direction. FYI.


                    But the wind is so fickled minded now !
                    Seriously running out of ...Storage space !


                      Originally posted by Sunstorm
                      Wind has not been blowing from NE for last 3 days.

                      Slope season is over!
                      The season maybe gone, but the sailplane fever hasn't even start to fade yet. Folks are gearing up for aerotow, hi-starts and even winch, not to mention the works on the models. At least I'm in the midst of fulfilling one of my dreams.


                        Originally posted by joe yap
                        At least I'm in the midst of fulfilling one of my dreams.
                        And that is?
                        To winch launch a sailplane?
                        "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual


                          Originally posted by Sunstorm
                          And that is?
                          To winch launch a sailplane?

                          No lah, I saw he put his baby's picture in the canopy of his new glider. I think he wants to fly a real glider, but use the baby picture to reveal his desire.....


                            Anything is possible, if you have the $$.

                            Work hard, save $$.

                            It would happen, eventually.

                            I used to think that it was impossible for me to become a pilot, until I met this guy who holds a civilian pilot's license and holds a regular full time job.

                            So it's possible!
                            "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual


                              Getting a license

                              I thought of getting a pilot license, thought that would be impossible. But after looking through some websites, you can actually go to johore to take up the training and become a pilot. The fees will be in the range of RM$20,000 to RM$25,000. So trying hard to save up for my dream.

                              Anyone got better lobang?


                                Don't think too hard lah. Don't forget the title of this thread. You guys are really imaginative.

