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Thinking of Class 2B...


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    I cause my own heli to crash

    but chances are..pple will crash into my bike...duh

    I big size but some bum will still miss me in his blind spot....

    TREX 500 ESP
    Futaba T12FGH


      I totally agree that riding a bike is never as good as driving a car in terms of safety.... like what Art has mentioned, body cover metal. For me, I would always like to have my license all covered... I meant all class.

      After much years of delay, I have finally gone for my Class 2B... I turly regret for not gone for it any earlier... used to be 5 lessons before TP tests and now it is 8 lessons before TP tests! 6 lessons and 2 assessment before you could go for your TP.

      My TP is on 25th October... have been waiting for it pateiently for the last 4 weeks... quene daman long man.

      A lot of babes are taking bike license too.

      Ok.... come back to the safety issue, yes... have heard from many roders, you may be safety concious No.1 but all you need is a reckless driver to cause you injury or even death.

      I took my bike license for interest and passion in riding and filling up my license category, will be going for my Class 4 and 5 too.

      If you like riding than go for it... if you meant to leave this world and this dimension... you will go even if you do not ride... just my thougths.

      I ride for the passion which will be done mostly at night with the cool breeze of the wind and the sense of freedom, day time will be too hot for me.

      If I ever were to ride in the day whether for leisure or for survival, I will ride with my upmost extreme care, if we that I still get injury or even if death... it is what it is fated for me then.

      I just do not understand, why most locals or maybe I would say asian riders with slippers, or their pillion (mostly babes) wear sleeveless, or riders wearing shorts to ride... wau lau... can you imagine the abrasion they will get?

      If you wish to ride, wear proper shoe wear, proper clothing... all this is to reduce your suffering if anything unfortunate happens.

      Nightbreed.... if you like to ride... go for it, but if you are not sure... then think about it more before... u conclude.


        Basically you just had to be more anticipate with other road user. I had ride for many years only divert to car 2 years ago due to increasing of family member, otherwise I will still choose to ride bike, I had own from a 100 cc to a 1100cc I should said if you are the kind of people who love freedom then a bike is fun.I had ride to the very end of Malaysia with that kind of endless ride on the north south high way you can really feel joy of ridging but the bottom line is you have be careful and alert.


          yeah... when its time to go, its time to go.

          W8 for bus or mrt also not safe.

          Dont regret wat u did but regret wat u never did

