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Marina South - Do you think we should do something?


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    Marina South - Do you think we should do something?

    These are some photos that I took at Marina South....

    planes flying - All very nice
    field to fly - So big that you cant complain
    hobbyists - Friendliest creatures you can ever find in SG
    scenery - Gorgeous
    Rubbles found left at scene - PRICELESS

    For the past few weeks going there to practice my flight....cant help noticing that the place is getting dirtier with more rubbles each week, esp broken blades from props and one day we even saw unused sticker sheet left over from a German plane.

    Gentlemen (and ladies perhaps ) you think we got to do something to keep the flying ground a better place for everyone and not waiting for a day where the authorities will have to come and ban 'flying' there?

    I understand that we cant help if some parts crashed in the mid air and cant be found....but at least what we can do is to pick up after our crashes and not to leave all the rubbles behind?

    Wanted to do a poll...but seems like unable to...but well...wat do u guys....and gals (if any) think? Also, how many of us here do really bother to pick up after our crashes? No need to reply if you feel uncomfortable to ....

    Has been picking up broken props that doesnt belongs to me...for a long time.
    Well, no complain doing so though...
    Juz a little effort. Hope many will follow suit...
    Anybody willing to put in little effort to clean up alittle?
    Juz crossed over to the DUCT side!

    Flying: P-51 Mustang, Corsair, F4 Phantom, Beaver(GF's), TigerMoth(GF's)
    Slope Glider: E-Hawk 1500
    Still in Box: Formosa, Zero Fighter, Me 109
    Things to Sell:
    - T-rex 450XL NIB
    - Nano Falcon(not build yet)

    - Speed 370 motor with JST connector & Spur gear $5, PM me


      Originally posted by Crabby
      Has been picking up broken props that doesnt belongs to me...for a long time.
      Well, no complain doing so though...
      Juz a little effort. Hope many will follow suit...
      Anybody willing to put in little effort to clean up alittle?
      wow...theres a silent hero dun here.... thanks for yr reply...anyway for I carry a plastic bag that if any of my parts crashes...I collect them and dispose them in proper place.


        Believe that apply to all flying area ....keeping the area clean is important


          True enuf, keeping flying site clean is the responsibility of each and every flyer. Over at woodlands, I saw Jali going round picking rubbish. Frank also use a big bag to bring crash parts back home to throw.

          If you happen to pop by bishan at the usual place we use to fly, you bound to find broken prop here and there.

          Thanks for bringing this matter up.

          Pertaining to Poll, you should able to post one when you start a new thread. See the feature below the attachment.




            hehe so far I am still very impressed with JW team...
            can hardly find any broken props and pieces there unless it is really lost in middle of nowhere....


              Been flying there lately. Can't understand why can't just pick up your own broken blades. Can see a lot of orange coloured pieces everywhere, exactly like eye sore cig butts.

              MS is a nice place to fly. Hope everyone can help ourselves to what little space we have left by cherrishing it, it will be closed off once the IR project gets fulls steam, I presume.

              We can make this a more "refined" hobby by bringing our own trash.



                Yea gws blades are great for mixing epoxy
                TX:2 Sanwa Quasars , Futaba 9C super (heli)
                Gliders :JW 54 , Sprinter , Flip400 (unbuilt)
                Planes: Jumping Jack,,Zoom 4D,IFO, magic 3d,
                Helis:Feda,Zap 400


                  Originally posted by YZY
                  Yea gws blades are great for mixing epoxy
                  this hobby is a compulsion/addiction/disease


                    Originally posted by YZY
                    Yea gws blades are great for mixing epoxy
                    yeah my wife used to complain why I'm like garang guni keep bringing broken props home

                    actually the same lies with Punggol electric flying site and because it is beside a building we have to be even more careful in case the building owner uses littering as an excuse to ban us so it is good to have a trash bag corner to put all the rubbish


                      911, I salute you for bringing this topic up and feeling passionate about the cleanliness of our flying fields. Lets keep our flying fields and Singapore Litter Free. It is not only giving R/C flyers a good image but also a matter of national pride.

                      And to all flyers (Crabby, Unorthodox Sniper, Sonic Boom etc) who go about quietly cleaning up after other flyers, I salute you. Keep up the good work guys!

                      Yes, agree with Nic, JW field is really very clean even though it is used every Saturday and Sunday. The JW Team are a fantastic bunch.
                      "The ground is my best teacher but not exactly my favourite"


                        Originally posted by YZY
                        Yea gws blades are great for mixing epoxy
                        Hee hee I collect the prop for mixing Epoxy as well indeed it is very useful for mixing & applying. Use & throw...

                        Today went down JW see see & then go flying in MS. Think the contactor starting to block the entrance to the field very soon I 'siamed' the barrier & car kena small scratch from the plastic barrier. Hope this is a temperary one. Dunno how long will it be there...

                        However JW is quite a big field & the grass are neatly trimmed. Due to the rain ...abit muddy though & rather windy today.... Hmmm can I join u guys there sometimeswhen MS is gone????
                        Juz crossed over to the DUCT side!

                        Flying: P-51 Mustang, Corsair, F4 Phantom, Beaver(GF's), TigerMoth(GF's)
                        Slope Glider: E-Hawk 1500
                        Still in Box: Formosa, Zero Fighter, Me 109
                        Things to Sell:
                        - T-rex 450XL NIB
                        - Nano Falcon(not build yet)

                        - Speed 370 motor with JST connector & Spur gear $5, PM me


                          Just try not to fly at JW fields on weekdays especially in the evening.

                          Now with National day in the corner.... saturdays evening should be avoided too...

                          or fly very low.

                          if you see the "big brother" photos posted by jwflyers you will understand why...


                            Well is a team work to help keeping the area clean....we pickup every single pcs of .....whateven from us at the end of the ff .....another reason for a clean field is less crash lor crash no broken props

                            Hmmm hope the field will not close up so fast

                            Crabby and are welcome to join us for the wkend ff ...more plane the better lor more fun


                              Yum Jam! It's everyone's responsibilty to clear their own rubble. Read about the drifters washing the road after their races, and one of my flying khaki also walks around to clear the field of rubbish... last week we had to clear some terrible remains of a SPAD flyer... White chloroplast everywhere... in 1"x2mm strips.. must have mean bad crash...

