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Found new space-age material for making planes


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    Found new space-age material for making planes

    Been looking what I have at home to reinforce my SS's front wheel so that it doesn't do a split on hard landing. Satay stick, ice cream stick are okay. But so "cheapo" looking. Carbon rod, hmmm, cost money .

    Finally found some from unlikely sources, very high tech material very strong, and most household have it - BRA UNDERWIRE! Source it from your wife or GF (be careful, else she will think you are a manic looking for used underwear! ).

    Heard that some good ones are "memory wire" that will reshape back to its original shape when heat is applied. Therefore, after a crash, just heat your plane and it unfolds back to its original shape .

    Had it cut with a cutting disk (cutting will bend it out of shape as it is VERY VERY HARD but thin wire). CA it to my SS wheel brace, then epoxy+string to form reinforcement for the landing wheels so that it will not split-leg on hard landings.

    Tested it with pressure and it works!


    damn creative~~
    any picture to show?
    maybe it is time to go pasa malam to buy 3 for 10 bucks bra~
    6 unbreakable landing gear for 10 buck should be reasonable price~


      You can see that the underwire is epoxy+string gluded to the SS landing gear, you can see 2 black blobs, which is cotton string winding coated with epoxy.

      Maybe wire can be used to make IFO? Maybe not the big ones .



        SMART!!! (the LG looks nice too!)

        was wondering what were u doing when u got that idea..

        this hobby is a compulsion/addiction/disease


          Very good out of the box idea .....never think of woman stuff can use on RC plane landing gear....

          where to get this idea looking around at the right area lor




            this hobby is a compulsion/addiction/disease


              Originally posted by SonicBoom
              You can see that the underwire is epoxy+string gluded to the SS landing gear, you can see 2 black blobs, which is cotton string winding coated with epoxy.

              Maybe wire can be used to make IFO? Maybe not the big ones .

              Nice work man! How many bra needed to make that and what is the cup size?


                soon we can all rush to get those big big cup sized bra......i wonder what will the shop assistant think when she sees some 30++ish man buying such a big sized

                oh btw tell your wife or gf about the purchase...else when they discover it...their tots will wander....and that time you will be
                * OS46- ... and doing simple figure 8 and nose in... want to venture to loops...
                Thanks to all old birds from Daddyhobby
                *Hyper 8 RTR
                *HenLong M1A1
                Mini Monster Truck


                  Wah-Lau! i cannot put this thing in my plane's undercarriage, because everytime i want to land, see the landing gear only my brain shift attention to something else!!! Sure Crash!!!
                  Innovative Idea!


                    Then can make face mask also, for bad haze days. Don't know about yours, but, mine will be full face


                      Originally posted by SonicBoom
                      Then can make face mask also, for bad haze days. Don't know about yours, but, mine will be full face
                      ......full face .....that will be one hell of cup .....what will be the filter size....


                        Now I have to go buy some bras....which brand hold better ah? which cup ah?...

                        For Sale

                        CSM ICG400 Heading Lock Gyro+ ($160)


                          Originally posted by SonicBoom

                          Maybe wire can be used to make IFO? Maybe not the big ones .
                          Depends on how big the bra is!!


                            But seriously speaking, that underwire is VERY strong. It has a lot of spring to it, on a hard landing, the chord will lengthen, will dampen any inherient spinging found in the original landing gear. It can take a lot of punishmemt and still go back to its original shape.

                            It is not a wire, but actually a stamped out C shaped arch. It will not twist, and because they are flat, very easy to hold glue. It is stainless. Need a Dremel cut-off wheel to cut it as it is make from very hard but thin sheet metal.

                            I wished I could find some straight ones, so that I can use it as spars and foam reinforcement.


                              Maiden my SS today

                              Just want to add that I maiden my SS today in Tampines Rd. Me the only EP flying there. I must say it flew well, not windy today and up she goes. Didn't go beyond 75% power, and it really is an easy plane to fly, fly straight out of the box, no trimming, CG was good too. Circle low at about 10 m high for this test flight. Landing was easy, didn't break any prop.

                              I had 2 large Futaba servos instead of minis, but the weight is compensated by the small 2S 1400mAh lipo.

                              Flew two 5 minutes sorties and packed to go for lunch as it started to drizzle. So, it is offical, I am into fixed wing! But rotary wing still active, but not as relaxing as flying SS, I must say, flying heli is quite a stressful moment, so many moving parts to think of .

                              Challenge yourself by flying CP heli, relax by flying slow wings.

