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Which games have you completed ?


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    Which games have you completed ?

    Hi to all,

    I'm just little bit curious about to know the list of the games that you have completed till now. Here is the list of mine completed games. Just make a look.

    The Kotor Series
    Assasins Creed
    Dead Space
    Mass Effect
    ProStreet (don't shoot me) or Most Wanted
    Two Army
    Cross edge
    Lego starwars
    Star wars the apprentice
    Mortal kombat II
    Metal Gear Solid 4
    Street Fighter 4
    Gears of Wars
    Batman asylum

    And what about you guys ?

    I only go for FPS but not those trigger happy, bunny hopping type like Counter Strike.

    So far, played;
    1. America's Army - most realistic
    2. Call of Duty 1,2, yet to play the latest one.
    3. Operation flashpoint
    4. Avatar - now playing but stop, I need to get the iMac 27" quad core i7 before I can continue.


      Yup... CounterStrike a bit too old too unrealistic.

      Me also playing/played
      1. America's Army - But seldom play due to most of the servers are far away.
      2. Call of Duty (World at War, Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2 and also the one before World at War. Can't remember the name)
      3. Operation Flashpoint (1 and 2)
      4. Battlefield 2

      For Operation Flashpoint 2 (or Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising), it is quite realistic because the bullets actually affected by gravity. That mean to shoot someone at a distance, u need to aim it higher.

      Now still playing CoD: MW2 and OpFP: Dragon Rising

      EDIT: Arma II also not bad. Tried in a short period of time only. Its Helicopter flying wise.. too difficult (too realistic? ) Recommend to have joystick instead. In forest scene...quite hardware intensive.

      Crysis also not bad. Farcry 1 not bad...but Farcry 2 not nice. Hate the shaking movement..easily cause headache.



        1. Paperboy !
        2. X-COM all series
        3. Company of Heroes
        4. All blizzard's game
        5. Battlefield 2

        now I can see how much time i wasted. ~~




          1) Knights of the Old Republic Series
          2) Baldur's Gate Series
          3) Neverwinter Nights Series
          4) Sierra City Building Series - Caesar + Pharoah + Emperor
          5) Need for Speed Underground Series

          and so on.

          I think topic starter is a bot but odd, I cannot find any other posts identical to his on other forums yet.
          "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual


            COD2, COD2, COD2, COD2.............................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................................


              FPS games during my era:

              1) Jurassic Park: Trespasser
              2) Doom
              3) Duke Nukem 3D
              4) Quake
              5) Unreal

              ...and my all time favourite ...Half-Life

              Favourite 3D technology ...Unreal engine

              Sorry for being a dinosaur ! ...
              Seriously running out of ...Storage space !



                Crazy Taxi
                Unreal Tournament
                Command & Conquer Series (inc. Red Alert, Generals, etc...)
                Microsoft Flight Simulator A Century Of Flight
                Jane's USAF (including MiniPro &SuperPro Add-ons)
                Jane's F/A-18
                Jane's F-15
                F-22 ADF
                Wings Over Europe: Cold War Gone Hot
                Falcon 4.0 Allied Force

                I'm a bit of a flight simulator fan le.... So I guess natural progression into this hobby le...
                Did you know that dolphins are so intelligent that within only a few weeks of captivity, they can train humans to stand at the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.

