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Touching story: 85 year old going back to flying


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    Touching story: 85 year old going back to flying

    This is a story from Taiwan about a 85 year old man going back to RC flying. A very touching story filled with friendship, generosity, and determination

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5

    Hopefully I can live that long and be able to fly, and more importantly still have kakis (young and old) around....

    3 cheers to this perseverance senior gentleman to his hobby...

    nacar thks for sharing this story... :
    HoneyBee King
    Esky 3900KV BL Motor
    Esky 25A ESC
    Esky Servos
    Esky Head Lock Gyro
    9T Pinion Gear
    1500mAh Li-Po Battery



      Nice video

      oh nice video,this is a very 温心 can tell as life is so shot,if can enjoy flying ,Pls go ahead ,i am 62 ,oh mas go go go fly mo.


        Wow!! Really amazing.. Wonder who's the oldest pilot in Sing? Used to know of one uncle flying at RMS.. 70+..wonder if he is still flying


          Just my thoughts

          The moral of the story is to make friend from all sort of age so that even though you are old, you still have other kakis to fly with you constantly. Do not just mix with the same age kakis. All of us will get old one day and we will need the young one to help us ( Same theory apply to workplace )
          Flying is also about socializing and making all sort of people beside all the technical issues etc. If he is flying so long, he should have a lot of other friends also.

          Nacar! Thanks for sharing the video. It is really touching and educational.


            Very meaningful.

            Very good videos. Hope me too can fly rc till so old...hahaha...
            Flying RC is like dating a girl...;)


              Heart warming .. !
              I'm Remotely Controlled ...


                some of the scenario in these short videos are very familiar to some of us here in DH too....especially those who been through this path, such as teaching aeromodelling in school, flying with friend and kids...etc....
                its a hobby one can stop at some point in life, pick it up somewhere later when things are more settled.
                never too young or old to fly rc planes..

                and every time we make a come back, the liking in this hobby grew stronger to some.

                Keep up the good faith in this hobby bros!

                Punggol Field Walk - Precision Landing Required!


                  Originally posted by Cessna584 View Post
                  The moral of the story is to make friend from all sort of age so that even though you are old, you still have other kakis to fly with you constantly. Do not just mix with the same age kakis. All of us will get old one day and we will need the young one to help us ( Same theory apply to workplace )
                  Flying is also about socializing and making all sort of people beside all the technical issues etc. If he is flying so long, he should have a lot of other friends also.

                  Nacar! Thanks for sharing the video. It is really touching and educational.
                  Think that old man in the video stopped flying for 20 years before he goes back to flying again. In that 20 year time span, things change and people come and go in the hobby.

                  The thing is flying is just a hobby, and maybe one of many other hobbies, for most people. And when other things in life have more priority (like the restaurant owner in the video), some people will put aside flying. By the time you want to fly again, your kakis may not be around or in the hobby anymore.

                  But the good thing is that the people in this hobby are all nice and friendly people, it's just us making the first step and effort to join into the circle again (the old man in the video just need a push from external forces to join the circle of flyers again).

                  Applause to all friends and flyers in this RC hobby


                    Originally posted by nacar View Post
                    Think that old man in the video stopped flying for 20 years before he goes back to flying again. In that 20 year time span, things change and people come and go in the hobby.

                    The thing is flying is just a hobby, and maybe one of many other hobbies, for most people. And when other things in life have more priority (like the restaurant owner in the video), some people will put aside flying. By the time you want to fly again, your kakis may not be around or in the hobby anymore.

                    But the good thing is that the people in this hobby are all nice and friendly people, it's just us making the first step and effort to join into the circle again (the old man in the video just need a push from external forces to join the circle of flyers again).

                    Applause to all friends and flyers in this RC hobby
                    Ya Bro Nacar. Agreed with you....


                      Originally posted by helichoo View Post
                      oh Nice Video,this Is A Very 温心 Can Tell As Life Is So Shot,if Can Enjoy Flying ,pls Go Ahead ,i Am 62 ,oh Mas Go Go Go Fly Mo.:d:l


                        Originally posted by nacar View Post


                          Maybe he should start trying other RC hobby like scale boat ,sail boat or rock crawler, not so demanding on the eye and finger respond. Flight SIM not a bad choice too..

