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Never mess with spinning blades


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    Never mess with spinning blades

    Thanks to the tail rotor's blades.

    I trigger throttle hold, and placed the TX on my lap. Did some configuring with the servos, and some how accidently triggered the throttle hold, and everything started spinning.

    Murphy's law took place, and some how my tail blades where installed the wrong side, and they are like spinning knives. And, it took a split second to have much a bad injury, blood dripped all over the floor.

    Lesson: It is not 100% safe, even with throttle hold.

    i agree!!! it is VERY DANGEROUS!!! i put full throttle on my EP plane. then i put my hand behind it to admire the tremendous volumes of wind. then... in a split second... PRAKKKKK. my fingers...3 of them. looks nearly the same as urs. blood splattered all over my hand. it was so painful i could not feel any pain! it was numb!


      Always remove the motor connection when doing calibration (Unless the calibration is about motor). I know this but I still sometime suddenly/accidentally/stupidity push the throttle stick to max thinking in Throttle Hold.

      Anyway, think of the bright side... you can get M.C. for it and stay at home resting or go fly heli

      Hope nothing serious happen.



        Originally posted by Super-Hornet
        Always remove the motor connection when doing calibration (Unless the calibration is about motor). I know this but I still sometime suddenly/accidentally/stupidity push the throttle stick to max thinking in Throttle Hold.

        Anyway, think of the bright side... you can get M.C. for it and stay at home resting or go fly heli

        Hope nothing serious happen.

        i am already on MC for dislocate shoulder. Thats why i started this hobby. MC ending soon.


          If I displyed photos of my latest trophy, HZM will censor them!
          I have yet to remove the stitches, that's how recent.


            Originally posted by Han
            If I displyed photos of my latest trophy, HZM will censor them!
            I have yet to remove the stitches, that's how recent.
            Wah piang tat is serious .... don tell me u try to catch the rotor main blade when u are hovering



              No lah! It was a Super Tigre 51 with APC 11x6 at half throttle.


                Han, is that why you've been missing from the flying scene recently, did the surgeons manage to sew back all your fingers?! (Astroboy looking at Han with that concerned facial expression!)


                  Originally posted by AstroBoy
                  Han, is that why you've been missing from the flying scene recently, did the surgeons manage to sew back all your fingers?! (Astroboy looking at Han with that concerned facial expression!)
                  I have not been missing form the scene, you are probably at the wrong scene lah! Anyway, luckily it did not reach my fingers.
                  But by some strange phenomenon , after reading your post my middle digit straightens automatically, very much like the one in this smily..... :na ....


                    Han, you don't have to be rude to me in this open forum, but sure, you can give me the middle finger when you see me at the flying site, for "don't know whatever @#$%reason"


                      U are lucky. One casualty out of 10. Children under10 dun learn ok


                        Originally posted by AstroBoy
                        Han, you don't have to be rude to me in this open forum, but sure, you can give me the middle finger when you see me at the flying site, for "don't know whatever @#$%reason"
                        Alamak! My finger straighten to show that it is still intact lah!


                          Will show you the rest at the field!


                            Originally posted by Han
                            Will show you the rest at the field!

                            I got it


                              Well look on the bright side- at least you got the motor started!
                              And you stopped the motor before the neighbours woke up.

