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a random "fine" issue


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    a random "fine" issue

    hi guys, ever wondered why ppl get fined for parking in handicapped parking lots but get excused for using the handicapped toilet.

    Its not that i parked in the handicapped lot and got fined or anything - in fact, i dislike the inconsiderate habits of ppl who do that. just a thought... cuz its pretty much boils down to the same issue of being inconsiderate to the handicapped. if a handicapped person needs to take a crap or wizzZ real badly, how then??

    why does society view parking in a handicapped lot as a more serious issue than the latter?

    sorry for posting something so random. was just thinking of it when i had no choice but to use the handicapped toilet earlier this afternoon.
    Irony = displaying enough parking coupons on your dashboard but getting fined for littering when you throw the stubs on the floor

    fine is not everything in singapore
    most of it is up to the education lor
    its will be a good idea to send officers to washroom to catch
    people lor...
    to make their life suffer a little more than strolling along car parks
    make them wash tiolets if they catch no one.....


      Originally posted by zattan22 View Post
      fine is not everything in singapore
      most of it is up to the education lor
      its will be a good idea to send officers to washroom to catch
      people lor...
      to make their life suffer a little more than strolling along car parks
      make them wash tiolets if they catch no one.....

      DX7 SE


        IMO I think its 'okay' to use those washrooms meant for the handicapped, under certain situations:
        • there were no 'normal' toilets available, and its urgent.
        • there were no handicapped people around
        • if there are any handicapped people waiting to use it, the handicapped people will get to use it 1st
        • keep the toilet clean and dry or at least in the same condition as when u entered it because its not meant for you in the beginning
        • last but not least, use minimum toilet paper!

        Just some of the 'guidelines' i follow before entering a handicapped toilet


          Originally posted by zattan22 View Post
          fine is not everything in singapore
          most of it is up to the education lor
          its will be a good idea to send officers to washroom to catch
          people lor...
          to make their life suffer a little more than strolling along car parks
          make them wash tiolets if they catch no one.....
          Why ? ...what did those officers do to you ?

          ...let me guess !'re 14 this year right ?
          Seriously running out of ...Storage space !


            "why does society view parking in a handicapped lot as a more serious issue than the latter?"

            ...... people use the toilet at a much shorter time than they use the parking space.... so it is a great difference between waiting for 2 mins outside a toilet than 2 hours for a parking

            After so many years, I am still a beginner


              My future mother-in-law in wheelchair bound, and most likely I am going to drive her around when she needs to go out - e.g. doctor appointment etc.

              Can I apply for handicap parking?

              I mean, I don't know where one gets the rights to park in that lot legally, and we don't see a lot of handicapped people driving cars in Singapore.

              Also wondering if we are deaf, or an amputee, can we drive?
              "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual


                Julian I think you should be able to apply for it. I'm not sure but it certainly sounds like you are qualified to do so.

                I personally think the comparison of handicapped toilet and handicapped lot is not that apple-to-apple, for those reasons some of the bros have already cited below. I'll see it more as an issue of etiquette and probability.

                Etiquette - If the main toilet is not overly crowded and you still choose to use the handicapped toilet, .
                Probability - If you are at a place where you don't see many handicapped people around - .



                  Originally posted by Sunstorm View Post
                  My future mother-in-law in wheelchair bound, and most likely I am going to drive her around when she needs to go out - e.g. doctor appointment etc.

                  Can I apply for handicap parking?

                  I mean, I don't know where one gets the rights to park in that lot legally, and we don't see a lot of handicapped people driving cars in Singapore.
                  Also wondering if we are deaf, or an amputee, can we drive?
                  Bro they get the rights to park in the lot only when you have strong valid reasons such as medical or family members........ and you never does not mean they do not exists ya cause there are a lot of PI cars that can be brought in to cater to these people................
                  DX7 SE



                    from wat i noe, its only for the handicapped ppl who are driving. their vehicle must have the handicapped label which they can apply. only then they will be able to park at the lots. for those who r ferrying handicapped ppl, they cant park at the lots. wat they can do is to drop them at the nearest drop off point or park at the lot for a while to drop off. then they have to move their vehicle away from the lot....

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