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NETS "transaction fee"


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    Originally posted by tucfaz View Post
    Queue at ATM to draw cash to avoid paying 20 cents??
    It can add up ! a typical family outing for me at the shopping mall can see us making about 8 - 10 different purchases ...assuming each shop charges 0.20 cents per transaction ...thats $1.60 to $2.00 extra to pay.

    It is one of those policies that has turned counter productive ! ...where's the "cashless society" incentive now ?'s just like the "boy or girl, two is enough" thingy we had back in the 60ties-70ties ...see where that has lead us !

    But actually, it isn't a bad thing for me ...usually the things I need to buy, I'll have the cash ready for it, is usually the ad-hoc, impulse buy stuffs that has to be paid by NETS, and if the retailer insists on passing the cost to me, I'll decline the purchase and walk out of the shop. ...MONEY SAVED !

    Actually, I see an increasing amount of my personal spending going out to overseas internet mail order shops where I dun have to put up with such rubbish.
    Seriously running out of ...Storage space !

