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wtb: 2nd car


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      Looks like its gona be ard 13-14k for Cat A.


        Originally posted by genexis View Post

        i'm looking for a 2nd car with the following criteria:

        You the CAN man, I got my first car 7 years after I started working. now you buying 2nd car already..


          i wish i can afford ... but i guess my first car will not come until at least 2 more years

          I'm just helping my to compile the details of purchasing a new car for my parents. Besides... if they get it, i benefit too


            ok... ended... $12500 for cat A


              COE bidding results ended. Look at the number of bids n quota. I guess these few mths Cat A COE should linger ard tis amt.

              Can go car shopping tis weekend, there will be lots of ppl cos of PH. So next COE bidding may be a bit higher. Next bidding on 20th August 2008.


                Originally posted by genexis View Post
                i wish i can afford ... but i guess my first car will not come until at least 2 more years

                I'm just helping my to compile the details of purchasing a new car for my parents. Besides... if they get it, i benefit too

                Looks like u going for Cat B car. The COE price now is good for Cat B car. Can buy now. So its either a new Accord or new Camry rite???

                Look here for the comparison :

                We take the all-new 2.0-litre Accord and the best selling Camry out for a drive to see how they compare and honestly, they're a little different...

                Fits ur initial requirement, Honda or Toyota + Authorised Dealer. Happy shopping!!!


                  I wish i can just buy this weekend, but i think my parents are waiting for the recession to set it, which will be around start of next year... but by that time... its time to change the primary car... coz it will be almost 5 years old ... So end up ... no need to buy new car already.


                  I think i'll try to psycho later...

                  The other issue is the abolishing of the COE system. So don't know whether to wait for the policy to take effect a not.

                  What says you people?


                    Haha, no lah.. I want small one... More like... my mom wants a small one. But it will be me doing the servicing every time... so i'll insist on a toyota as the service centre is walking distance away. I can just send it there and walk home

                    Originally posted by Adrianli View Post
                    Looks like u going for Cat B car. The COE price now is good for Cat B car. Can buy now. So its either a new Accord or new Camry rite???

                    Look here for the comparison :

                    We take the all-new 2.0-litre Accord and the best selling Camry out for a drive to see how they compare and honestly, they're a little different...

                    Fits ur initial requirement, Honda or Toyota + Authorised Dealer. Happy shopping!!!


                      Recession??? Not so soon yet. I knwo for sure Marine + Offshore booming at least for another yr or two. Till the market is saturated wif all the vessels being built, then competition starts. My company alone got 4 more vessels in Batam and 6 more in China to be built.

                      COE is our govt cash cow, u tink they will slaughter it???

                      Buy now, next yr another facelift model will be out and the same old cycle starts again.


                        Haha... not so soon... but the US will get it first. Slowly the effects of the subprime is showing itself... Just keep watch of the news... when the suicide rate in US increases suddenly, then you know that very soon it will hit asia.

                        Anyway, as for the COE, the whole idea of it is to milk more from us. Comparing the COE today as to the ones few years back, the amount the govt collects everytime is significantly lesser. Thus, it is actually a good idea (for them of course) to abolish the COE system, and increase the cost of usage of the road (VIA ERP!!). This way, not only can people who are in the car business make more money (because the price of cars are now much lower), the govt can make A LOT OF MONEY by charging people who use their roads. ERP is also very cheap to implement. If there is a need to change the pricing of the ERP, it will not cost the govt much money to do it. SO they can have quite a flexible control over the whole "over crowding of roads" and "milking the citizens" issue.


                          i used to have the same mentality many years ago. Yes I also thought "sooner" or later Garmen will do away with COE system but ... not until the entire transport network is "ideal" That probably would take another few years. By then your "new" car will be in time to scrap and change car again

                          I would say go with your heart and make sensible decision. I used to tried so hard to save $10-$30 bucks whatever I buy be it RC or other stuff ... but end up this "saving" had to be spent somewhere else ..... Ironically, when I purchase my HDB flat, I did not even bargain a cent. Months later, I realised I got it at $40K cheaper .....

                          Monitor the car price for 2-3 months. See that it is almost stabilised, go in for it. Like adrianli mentioned, the next COE will probably be high. If you had intention to buy car, now is not a bad time basing on the low COE value. Car price should be reasonably "low" ... but once COE goes up, dealer will also adjust price upwards.

                          Happy shopping


