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need help with "genes & bio" question


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    need help with "genes & bio" question

    Hi guys,

    I need help with some of these questions my junior asked me. I have no idea how to answer them as i'm really not inclined towards the "chem & bio" side.
    If you can please try to help, doesn't matter if the answer is not complete. Just point to the correct direction.

    Question 1-3 is based on the paragraph below:

    A genius scientist Bruce Banner, because of exposure to gamma radiation,
    transforms rapidly into a green creature known as the Hulk when stressed or
    enraged. During the transformation which occurs within a few minutes, he turns green, grows in size, changes in features and personality, acquires tremendous physical strength and becomes extremely resistant to most forms of physical insults, and if any injury, healing and regeneration of loss mass occur within seconds. The Hulk’s durability, strength and endurance depend directly on his emotional state, increasing in relation to his temper and transforming back to a human when he calms down.

    Based on what you have learned in Genes and Society lectures (regarding cells, chromosomes, genes, replication, transcription, translation, mutation, mitosis, gene expression regulation, proteins etc.) explain why the following is not possible.

    1. Exposure to gamma radiation causes transformation into a green creature. [2 marks]

    2. The transformation to Hulk involves the whole being turning green, growing in size, changing in features and personality, acquiring tremendous physical
    strength which occurs within a few minutes. [2 marks]

    3. Healing and regeneration of loss mass occurring within seconds. [1 mark]

    [Total: 5 marks]

    4. DNA sequencing of your own two beta-globin alleles (one from each of your
    two chromosomes 11) reveals a mutation in one of the alleles. Given this
    information alone, what other information would you like to have to assess your risk of being a carrier of an inherited disease that could be passed on to your children? [3 marks]

    5. After decades of research, Dr. Vainpot isolated a small amount of attractase, an enzyme producing a powerful human pheromone, from hair samples of celebrities. In order to produce attractase for his personal use, he obtained a complete genomic clone of the attractase gene, connected it to a strong bacterial promoter on an expression plasmid, and introduced the plasmid into the E coli cells. He was devastated to find that no attractase was produced in the cells.

    What is a likely explanation for the failure? [2 marks]