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Help in soldering deans.


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    Help in soldering deans.

    hi ppl,

    anyone knows of any hobby shop that does soldering job( deans on batt) for a fee?

    ps: im not sure if im in the correct section. if im not moderators plz shift to the correct one. sorry

    Try JH, dun say i ask u go one hor hehehe.............
    Why dun try DIY? Next time no need rely on others liao very easy one.

    Some steps i follow:
    1) Strip the wire
    2) cut and put the shrink tube (2cm) through the wire
    3) Hold the Deans in place, melt some solder on it
    4) coat the wire with solder too.
    5) With the Iron on the Wire and solder melting, put it on the deans connection point, it shld melt the solder on the dean and join the wire in place.
    6) push the shrink tube near the deans and use a lighter to shrink it.
    7) repeat the other end.


      yup, that was pretty much wat i tried last nite. i watched finless video on it and tot i could. But sadly... didnt come out rite... in the end the metal plate on the deans went loose as the plastic ard it melt

      anyway thnkx for the tip. i'll go down tmr to get it done. =)


        What power rating of the soldering tool did you use? It should be at least 50-60W to ensure that the melted solder lead flows easily unto the wire and the metal of the connector. Otherwise, it would take you a long time to melt the lead and connect the wire and connector metel rigidly, hence melting the plastic of the deans in the process.


          Originally posted by ChRiS
          yup, that was pretty much wat i tried last nite. i watched finless video on it and tot i could. But sadly... didnt come out rite... in the end the metal plate on the deans went loose as the plastic ard it melt

          anyway thnkx for the tip. i'll go down tmr to get it done. =)
          haha.. u remind me of myself...

          for the first tried.. i took more than 1 hr.. yes it very frustrating... thot of want to give up.. but once u get it right.. altho not perfect.. the feeling is great..
          sometimes u solder swee swee.. but the shrink tube cannot cover because the solder is too big...

          but now i can solder them in 30 min...


            Get a high power Iron, mine is 60/200W, on button it's 200W. So it melt very fast and set nicely.


              I had bad experience wit soldering too till i change da solder alloy (mayb different mixture of tin & lead). Get those in da packet, not tube roll. I think for your case is that the alloy melting temp is too high thus melts da plastic deans 1st. A good mixture of ard tin 60% n lead 40% should melt da alloy in seconds. Also make sure ur iron tip is clean inbetween da process. U can use damp sponge to clean da tip.

              Hope it helps, tankz...
              Current BlinkĀ²:
              Trex-600N: TTRL53H/H#523/CarbSmart/CYATGv3-Gview/JR770T
              Beam-E4: SC-8/13T/SC-55A/LT2100T

              History BlinkĀ²:

              "Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory."
              Nate Waddoups


                Originally posted by hoppie
                Get a high power Iron, mine is 60/200W, on button it's 200W. So it melt very fast and set nicely.
                ar yes but not recommended for beginners, bcos they'll melt da deans b4 da solder alloy aKRekeke...
                Current BlinkĀ²:
                Trex-600N: TTRL53H/H#523/CarbSmart/CYATGv3-Gview/JR770T
                Beam-E4: SC-8/13T/SC-55A/LT2100T

                History BlinkĀ²:

                "Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory."
                Nate Waddoups


                  try dipping the wire and dean ends with flux. it flashes upon heating and makes soldering much easier. it's only a couple of dollars at DIY shops.


                    Originally posted by bartdude2007
                    What power rating of the soldering tool did you use? It should be at least 50-60W to ensure that the melted solder lead flows easily unto the wire and the metal of the connector. Otherwise, it would take you a long time to melt the lead and connect the wire and connector metel rigidly, hence melting the plastic of the deans in the process.

                    30W is more than enough depending on the type of solder you use. Some solders come with high silver contents that has less resistance to currents. Melt some solder onto the tip of the soldering iron first then position the melted solder onto the copper tab of the plug then feed more solder in between the copper tab and the soldering iron's tip. Do this within 5s if not your plug plastic will melt.
                    Modded Esavage + 4S lipo + KB45 2300KV + HW150A
                    Brushless Esky Lama with dual swash
                    Esky Dauphin
                    Walkera Lama 2
                    Walkera 5G6
                    Sparrowhawk XB + 2S lipo + 60A brushless esc + 6000kv motor.
                    Brushless Mini LST + single servo mod
                    Brushless Micro-T


                      W is how long it can hold the "heat" .. thus, the higher the watt does not mean the hotter the iron is


                        Originally posted by ChRiS
                        yup, that was pretty much wat i tried last nite. i watched finless video on it and tot i could. But sadly... didnt come out rite... in the end the metal plate on the deans went loose as the plastic ard it melt

                        anyway thnkx for the tip. i'll go down tmr to get it done. =)

                        a howto to soldering a deans plug. we did not make this video. it was made by Andy W and posted on

                        Hi Bro,
                        Have you seen this video?
                        I solder all me deans in this similar manner, so far, so good.



                          Originally posted by msc

                          Hi Bro,
                          Have you seen this video?
                          I solder all me deans in this similar manner, so far, so good.

                          Haha.......that's how i solder too and discribe to him. After much trial and error, i discover this method.


                            Originally posted by hoppie
                            Try JH, dun say i ask u go one hor hehehe.............
                            Why dun try DIY? Next time no need rely on others liao very easy one.

                            Some steps i follow:
                            1) Strip the wire
                            2) cut and put the shrink tube (2cm) through the wire
                            3) Hold the Deans in place, melt some solder on it
                            4) coat the wire with solder too.
                            5) With the Iron on the Wire and solder melting, put it on the deans connection point, it shld melt the solder on the dean and join the wire in place.
                            6) push the shrink tube near the deans and use a lighter to shrink it.
                            7) repeat the other end.
                            hi ppl,

                            juz to add. JH has stop soldering services.

                            Anyway thnkx for all ur advices. i'll learn with easy tasks first ( not on expensive batts ) haha. In the end i got it done with the help of a fren.
                            yup so its done and charging for the first time now.

                            Once again thnkx people

