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Remove all my postings


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    Remove all my postings


    Please remove all my postings, pictures, hyperlinks and videos. Finally, please delete my member account.

    Thank you very much.

    Thank you Mike.

    I hope you can do it asap. Let me know if you need my help in removing my post and attachments.


      Reason for Deleting all my post

      Hi Mike,

      I may have personal reasons as to why I need all my postings and pictures deleted from this forum. You locked the other thread which I posted yesterday. May I know why?

      Why is it so difficult to remove my pictures and member account? Do I have to get a court order for this?

      For your info, I am going down to the police station tonight. If you are a gentleman please call me and lets go to the station together and settle this.



        Originally posted by mechplas
        Hi Mike,

        I may have personal reasons as to why I need all my postings and pictures deleted from this forum. You locked the other thread which I posted yesterday. May I know why?

        Why is it so difficult to remove my pictures and member account? Do I have to get a court order for this?

        For your info, I am going down to the police station tonight. If you are a gentleman please call me and lets go to the station together and settle this.

        Hi Rajoo

        I find this very confusing.
        You want Mike to remove all your posting, pictures from this forum. The time you request is 7:55, but you added another your comment in PFW and STOMP at 8:00.
        If you want to have your posting remove, why adding more?


          Originally posted by chiadennis
          Hi Rajoo

          I find this very confusing.
          You want Mike to remove all your posting, pictures from this forum. The time you request is 7:55, but you added another your comment in PFW and STOMP at 8:00.
          If you want to have your posting remove, why adding more?
          I will stop if he removes them all n delete my account completely, then no issue right? Simple logic n you have a problem?


            Originally posted by mechplas
            I will stop if he removes them all n delete my account completely, then no issue right? Simple logic n you have a problem?
            No problem, just confuse.
            Have a nice day.


              I may have an issue (its my personal problem) that requires me to have all my postings and pictures removed and disassociation from "mechplas" and this forum.

              Is this too much to ask?


                Originally posted by chiadennis
                No problem, just confuse.
                Have a nice day.
                Thank you.
                Nice day sir.


                  will it be simplier just to stop using the ID everywhere and start afresh with a new ID (like many others in the internet are doing) than going around asking all the forums owners to remove them? it it not simply press 1 button and poof they are all gone.

                  anyway.. have a nice day.. hope you will sort out your personal problems in no time.

                  -- Note: I don't support having multiple IDs, but I am just stating a known fact of what some are practising.


                    Originally posted by nic
                    will it be simplier just to stop using the ID everywhere and start afresh with a new ID (like many others in the internet are doing) than going around asking all the forums owners to remove them? it it not simply press 1 button and poof they are all gone.

                    -- Note: I don't support having multiple IDs, but I am just stating a known fact of what some are practising.
                    All my pictures that I have posted here must be removed.

                    You can change my id or delete it. All my contact and personal info need to be removed.

                    If you can't do it, give me the right to delete or edit my own post.


                      I will disable your account and look into the matter.

                      Thats the kind of crap people give whenever something else screw up somewhere.

                      Any posting related to this matter will not be appreciated and of cos deleted.



                        Mike: Thank you

                        All my pictures and my personal info is most important. Please remove.

                        My request got nothing to do with screwed crap from elsewhere.

                        Thank you very much.


                          You may use nicks in forums, ...but do not think for a second that you can hide behind one !

                          What you write and post in such forums is as good as shouting out to the whole world ! ...each forumer has to take responsibility for what he/she posts !

                          If it's such a simplistic matter to "erase" whatever you're posted and have your nick (IP address 'n' all) "disappear" just like that ...then you can imagine ! ...some poor loser comes in here and posts disparaging remarks about our SMM and then disappears ! does the forum owner face the lawsuit because those posts and the poster has disappeared/got deleted ?

                          My point is simple, ...if you've done nothing wrong, why worry about covering your tracks !

                          btw, ...I'm not such a nice guy like Dennis.
                          Seriously running out of ...Storage space !

