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Traumatized - Jr admitted hospital


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    Traumatized - Jr admitted hospital

    My life turned upside down last Saturday. My son - Jr, whom some of u guys knew was daignosed suffering phneumonia after an X-ray. Specialist advised him to be admitted immediately becos a major part of his right lung is infected and he had been having fever for almost a week.

    It was a traumatizing experience for him and our family. He almost lost his voice due to crys everytime he is on nebulizer and antiboitic given thru drip. Physciotherapy was given to him every twice a day - "Patting" of the lung area, which sent him screaming more. I make a bad decision by asking them to insert a tube to draw out the phlegm........ All I can hear is his crys all day moment he is due for some treatment. Its really difficult to describe what a small kid went thru.

    There are a few points that I would like to share with all my frens here:-

    1) Do not take it too lightly even tho u think u are having a simple cough, which in this case of my son, it started as a simple cough.

    2) Get sufficient insurance coverage for hospitalization - The bill for this case of 3 days stay is $2500!

    This is a wake up call for me and I hope this do not happen on anyone else.

    I like to take this opportunity to thanks u guys who had shown concern and a doctor among our member who had helped me in getting medical equipment. I truly appreciate it.

    I am glad he is finally discharged today.


    Glad to hear that your son is okay!
    Cute little guy!

    Best wishes to you and your family Mike!


      Glad to hear that Zhen Guang is okay.

      I'm truly sorry I'd not found out earlier.... I thought it was a small cough when David told us on Sunday....


        Sorry to hear about that.
        Glad that he is ok now.
        Please take care.


          Dear Mike,

          Glad to hear that your Jr. is alright. Take care.

          Futaba 6EXA
          T-IFO (in pieces)
          E-Starter (not build yet)
          Ocean 500


            Mike.. Sorry to hear what you went thru,

            I was in the same situation before (kid with pnuemonia... then followed by baby with brochities.. one discharge in the morning, the other get in the evening)

            .. I knew how it felt..

            I am glad your kid is getting better.


              Hi Mike

              Sorry to hear how tough he and you and your wife went through. At first u told me u have to bring your kid to Hospital, I didn't thought it end up staying in hospital.

              I am glad that he turn out to be ok and discharge.

              Take good care of him, yourself and your wife. Take a goooood rest especially this coming holiday.



                pls take care and see you at bishan soon.
                Trex 450.
                Trex 500.


                  get well soon and best wishes..

                  have a merry christmas too.
                  i'm a rc sotong. And i know nuts about it.


                    yah ... hope he gets well soon. take care and have a restful holiday ...


                      Mike, my wishes too that Jr gets well fast and enjoy his xmas with your family.

                      thanks for activating my account despite your problems.
                      my homepage's


                        Hi Mike,

                        take care, glad everything is fine now, I too got a yr old boy; coughing and doc advise was similar to yours. Now we ban him from sleeping in Air-con room under doc advice.

                        Merry Xmas; in advance.

                        Cheers and happy flying



                          I can understand how u feel, when my son is not well, I am totally stressed up too, glad your boy is alright now.

                          For Sale

                          CSM ICG400 Heading Lock Gyro+ ($160)


                            Dear Mike,

                            my best wishes for Jr and your family too...
                            hope his health will recovery kids health faster.

                            Merry Christmas to all of us and have more happy [new] year oncoming ...

                            Best Regards,
                            jonathan (from jakarta)

                            it always "touch" me when something like this happen...and seeing that forum's members still take care other thing than rc only...even more touched me (and i'm only just a newbie in rc AND this forum). really glad i found this forum ...


                              oh dear.

                              glad he is better now.
                              i went through that similar experience about 2 years ago. Pneumonia, bronchitist, lung infection and sinus infection all at one go.
                              know how he feels man.
                              luckily my dad had insurance coverage.

                              anyway take care and god bless.

