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Security Verification


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    Security Verification

    I received this email from Citibank. I dont know if this is real. The link leads to a webpage thats not available anymore.

    Most important, I am not a Citibank customer at all!!! No credit card or credit line wif them at all. How did they obtain my email address???

    I think this is called phism. Basically once they get your bank infos like credit card number they "Go Shopping" at your expense.
    Bank do not ask for personal particulars via email



      cases like this just ignore it. and call ur bank customer line to verify if u do hv the credit card.
      Flying RC is like dating a girl...;)


        Originally posted by Adrianli
        I received this email from Citibank. I dont know if this is real. The link leads to a webpage thats not available anymore.

        Most important, I am not a Citibank customer at all!!! No credit card or credit line wif them at all. How did they obtain my email address???
        they prob bought the email addresses in bulk (which includes yours and mine email addr) from email address harvesters. Gotto stop exposing email address online.
        . Quick Japan EP8 EX (A30-8XL+CC60+Gy401)
        . Raptor 50 Titan (OS50+522+CarbSmart+Gy611)
        . Trex 600 EP (1512/3D+CC110HV+DS760 w/8900)
        . Trex 600 N (RL53+523+CarbSmart+DS760 w/8900)
        . B/W Stratus (OS91 SZ+MP5+ATG+CarbSmart+DS760 w/8900+8717)

        . Ok Model Medallion
        . E*Star Storch
        . ElectriFly S.E.5a
        . Mpx EzGlider (Slope)

        Tx: JR 9XII

        Photo toy
        . Canon 7D & 500D
        . Canon 430EX & 580EX2
        . Canon 24-70 f2.8L
        . Canon 85mm f1.8
        . Tamron 10-22 ultrawide


          Junk it!!

          simply Junk all unwanted/unknow sender emails that's what i do.
          Flying RC is like dating a girl...;)


            they have such mails for ebay & paypal too.
            I am no Expert in 3D nor Sports flying. If you need advices on crashing, I am an Expert!

            Active :T-rex450SE like, 450TH 11T & CC35, R146ip, HS65MG*3, GY401 & HS81MG, mH ProFrame & blings, TP3S2100prolite & 7CHP 72MHz mode 2, EOS 7i & LBA6. MiniZ.



              forward the entire mail to the bank in concern... thats what i usually do... it usually is something like

              But might differ... i kanna a few liao... but keep in mind 1 thing.... No one should ask for your account info or as you to verify your account info... unless you just subscribe or something...

              especially for bank issues... better be safe then sorry...


                Yesterday was Citibank. Today received another one n its from OCBC!!!

                These guys r really good!!!


                  I received many of these emails too. It could contain virus too and I just deleted them.

                  Sometimes, I receive emails with attachment from friends without any written note or name. And I deleted them. So, I started telling my friends to address me and mention their name when they send me an email. I heard that viruses could send out emails from your computer using your address database.

                  Once, I deleted an email thinking that it was one of these emails. But it ended up that it was an email from a friend who forgot to mention his name.
                  I have seen them all.

                  A mediocre r/c pilot who thinks that he is one top gun.

                  A nerd looking and sick flyer who thinks that he is a great modeller.

                  Greed that made a friend became a competitor.


                    post it at stomp!
                    maybe u will win something?


                      Whatz Stomp???


                        It is fake one... Just a phishing to:
                        1. Install adware/spyware/malware in your system.
                        2. Acquire information for hacking spamming purpose.
                        3. To verify your email exists for use in spamming and other purposes.

                        It is well know problem and all banks...including ISP already inform users that they DO NOT ASK for users information through email.


