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Careful when you drive


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    Originally posted by 9VDXN
    Looks exactly like the Enkei.
    Any info on how heavy are those rims? 15"?
    Sorry, I have no info on the weight. Yup they are 15".

    U should visit Stamford tyre, they have many many rims wif imitations of the originals. They are brand under SSW, which is Stamford Tyre own brand. But they look like those original ones.

    I like OZ rims, especially those with many many spokes like F1 rims. But my fren told me when comes to washing, gotta sweat it out liao.


      OZ rims are mostly heavy, except the Superleggara (spelling)... this one is one of the lightest in the market, but is the hardest to keep clean... yes.. this is the one with the many many spokes.

      Just to share... I too had a near miss 3 weeks ago...

      Was driving on a 3 lane road. There was a car 1/2 car length ahead of me on left, I was on right-most lane, and construction temporary orange/white plastic road dividers were placed to my right as there was some LTA road works being carried out on that stretch of the road.

      As the road bent left (quite a tight one at that), suddenly I saw a 2x4 inch wood about 1.5 ft long lying right in my path where my left tires would normally be travelling. The car to my left slightly in front of me had blocked this obstacle from my view until we rounded part of the bend... and there it was... suddenly!!!

      I had no choice as I could not swerve left to allow the piece of wood to pass under my car between my tires, I could not E-brake as doing that at a tight curve like this would mean loss of control for sure, plus the car behind me would plough into my rear too... a tailgater (don't you hate them?). I could only go as far right as possible and hope that I can just miss hitting the 2x4 wood, and still not hit the plastic temp road dividers.

      Well... I did not hit the plastic dividers, and I did not hit the wood head-on, but you guessed it... I clipped it. The sucker went airborne, flip up into the air, did 3 and a half somersaults with a 1/4 twist, then dissappeared below my left front door window, then I heard a huge 'plonk' noise!!! All this happened in a split second.

      I was hoping it had hit the bottom of my car somewhere... but when I finally pulled over, no sir... I got it right in the lower panel of my passenger door!!! How? I do not know. What I got was a huge 50 cent coin size dent that was at least 8 mm deep!!!! It hurted more as this dent is on my 2.5 week old new car!!

      Luckily, I was able to get the dent almost totally removed by the PDR folks. Else I would really be one sad puppy. As a matter of fact, the PDR folks were not even sure that they could get the dent reversed when they inspected the damage. We both agreed to just give it a shot and hoped for the best. Thank God it worked.


        amen to PDR too....saved lots for me
        TREX 500 ESP
        Futaba T12FGH


          hehe.. juz to share my story too.. happened today this evening

          Was travelling along merchant road to enter the CTE(AYE) towards Jurong. It was raining the whole afternoon and the ground was very wet, and to make things worse, my front tyres are almost bald

          anyway, don't know what got into me and i was tempted to have a little fun in the rain. having occasionally experienced understeer in the wet and dry (due to my balding tyres), i sort of know where the limit is.. i accelerated to about 80 and entered the CTE tunnel. There was this more than 90deg turn after the entrance and i misjudged my speed..

          The whole car understeered and straightaway i knew i was heading for the concrete walls of the tunnel . dunno what did my hands did but i remembered tapping the brakes, supposed to bring more weight to the front tyres but not much effect.. the car ended up hitting the concrete wall and the impact was very hard. the car lost control for a moment and later regained, and i was in shock from the impact..

          First thing i noticed was the steering was out of alignment.. almost at the 10'o clock position. could tell that the front 2 tyres were not aligned cos the car could not center. I thought gone liao, the right front fender and bumper.. and was afraid that the right front tyre had punctured (cos i don't carry a spare)

          could not stop on the expressway and continued driving.. meanwhile, i trid to look at the reflection on other passing cars.. and my right fender looked ok
          thought it was the bumper then.. gone liao. a peek outside my window confirmed that the tyres were still inflated.

          Reached my destination and got out to take a look.. and !!!! there was nothing wrong!!
          besides the scratched rims... nothing was damaged! no dents, no holes, bumper still in place..

          total cost of repair was $60 for wheel alignment, and just ordered 2 new tyres for the front

          hehe... and brandon was in the car too..

          actually now to think about it... the car body didn't hit the wall. think the braking did help and the tyres gained alittle more grip to turn the car slightly so the prutuding side of the wheel hit the wall instead, followed by the back tyre..

          few more inches, or turn too late.. the body would have kena the wall liao!
          -* Project Swift *-


            Wah piang ... that is scary manz, be careful I nv like to cut cost on tire, my life is on it, drive with a good condition one.

            In the past, due to a pair of "seasoned" tire, I felt a slight skid of 10cm on wet road, one of my balls shrink liao really cannot visualise yr situation



              I had a 720deg spin in my old Charade with worn out front tires many years back. It was scary......


                Had a 360 skid turn in a van... wasn't the driver, but the guy being thrown around at the back


                  Last week, I ganna 2 accidents on 1 day.

                  Morning: I bang another car.
                  Evening: Another car bang my car.

                  And amazingly.. both cars are white... and the damage is at the same corner of my car. (2nd car just make it worse off)

                  I went to buy 4D.. also never ganna.... exact numbers jump on both days.


                    Originally posted by nic
                    Last week, I ganna 2 accidents on 1 day.

                    Morning: I bang another car.
                    Evening: Another car bang my car.

                    And amazingly.. both cars are white... and the damage is at the same corner of my car. (2nd car just make it worse off)

                    I went to buy 4D.. also never ganna.... exact numbers jump on both days.
                    You should have got iBet. Numbers jump also got prize!


                      hehe.. i bought 4D today also nv kena..
                      but the numbers were kinda close, for both car no. and reversed order

                      sat and sun gonna try again..
                      -* Project Swift *-

