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Know your limits, don't over do it.


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    Know your limits, don't over do it.

    One of my collegue at work drown tuesday night. He and his friends was drinking at clark quay till the wee hours. Obviously drunk, his friend challegned him to swim across Singapore River. I dont know what was he thinking at the point in time, but he jumped in.. and never to return. His body was found Wed morning.

    The moral of the story here, know your limits, dont do stupid things! for those driving, dont drink and drive...
    Trex 450.
    Trex 500.

    Drinking & Swimming

    Sorry for ya loss, mate.

    For the benefit of those who are not aware : -

    There was an advertising campaign in Western Australia last year during the festive season.

    Apparently, when you are intoxicated, you will slowly lose your sense of balance. And when in the water, one will swim deeper for air instead of for the surface as he/she cannot tell which way is up, until finally drowning.

    I am not sure why this type of advertising campaign is not aired in SG. I am certain that many are unaware of this fact, unless you have seen the advertisement. JMHO.


      I read abt an indian guy who drowned in Singapore River, so its ur fren.

      The frens who challenge him r to blame partly!!! Moreover they challenge over a bottle of beer only!!!


        Originally posted by Adrianli
        I read abt an indian guy who drowned in Singapore River, so its ur fren.

        The frens who challenge him r to blame partly!!! Moreover they challenge over a bottle of beer only!!!
        yup, that's him.
        Trex 450.
        Trex 500.

