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Any rain-proof R/C aircraft?


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    Originally posted by Super-Hornet
    Lighting do attract sharp point from ground BUT not your antenna. Lighting always choose the shortest path to earth/ground. Lighting either pass through your R/C/ and then to ground...if there is no other taller object. If there is nearby object, it strike that object instead. This is because your Aircraft is not touching the ground.

    Edit: But, lighting strike your TX antenna is another story. We are assuming u fly in a sheltered area like void deck.

    why take the risk? just stay home watch a dvd or fly indoors la...scarly you loose your aircraft in a damp field and have to go out to look for it, even more headache...

    besides the tx and rx issue, the winds would be so bad that the aircraft would be uncontrollable. even full scale aircraft also don't fly already.
    JR 9x
    Raptor 50 SE
    Raptor 90 3D

    Superb machine!

    Piper Warrior 2 Pa-28-161
    Lycoming O-320-D3G 160HP

    Pilatus PC-21
    Pratt & Whitney PT6A-64B 1600SHP


      This is not matter of risk or not. This is matter of whether is it possible or not. Last time ppl say human can never achieve flying and no way to go to the moon.

      It is some who are dare to dream and persuing the dream that is important.



        of course, but they never launched the moon rocket in the rain....

        even today rain also 747 don't takeoff already

        the amount of windshear at even low altitudes is enough to make a 747 stall because of the change in relative wind. one second you might find your aircraft still cruising ok, next second you'd have a negative indicated airspeed, and it stalls...not to mention what wind does on such small arcraft.

        if its drizzling lightly, of course can fly lah, but not when its really raining, and of course, i'm referring to flying about, not just hovering.

        no doubt advances today are because men dream of doing them, but they didn't dream of doing impractical things, its like trying to build castles in the air.

        it is exactly the same as dreaming about building a spaceship that can travel to the center of the sun. i never said cannot dream, but its utterly imposible with today's or the near future's tech, simply because current aircraft rely f the relative movement of control surfaces and the air to provide lift. when you are in a situation where wind is changing direction every second with a large magnitude, and not forgetting that the aircraft is small, there's no way you could control it as well. the only way for it to be done is for someone to invent a true anti-gravity device, just like in the example, someone would have to invent some sort of forcefield to enter the sun.

        and before you doubt my knowledge, i have piloted full scale aircraft to land at seletar before, so i know first hand what windshear can do
        Last edited by Brandon Chng; 10-01-2006, 05:41 AM.
        JR 9x
        Raptor 50 SE
        Raptor 90 3D

        Superb machine!

        Piper Warrior 2 Pa-28-161
        Lycoming O-320-D3G 160HP

        Pilatus PC-21
        Pratt & Whitney PT6A-64B 1600SHP


          Originally posted by Super-Hornet
          This is not matter of risk or not. This is matter of whether is it possible or not. Last time ppl say human can never achieve flying and no way to go to the moon.

          It is some who are dare to dream and persuing the dream that is important.

          People usually mistake courage for insanity.
          Losers whine about their best. Winners date the Prom Queen.

          Most people talk a lot, only few are up for the moment.

          Suck Squeeze Bang Blow
          20,000 times a min

