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sucky day


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    sucky day

    just got back from flying rehersal at northview sec sch Ncc air unit.

    upoun reaching home heard my dad quit his job.

    it is all due to one bangla worker.
    this is how all it started from. the boss interviewed the bangla worker and he asked a question whether he can drive? so this bangla worker somehow say yes. so the boss hired him. on the second day of work for the bangla worker my dad asked him if he could drive since the boss told my dad that the bangla worker could drive. he layter claim to say he cant. so my dad went up to see the boss and told the boss that the bangla claim to say he can't drive so if the bangla worker drives the pick up van it is the bangla worker responsbility over himself.

    Then today the boss call up my dad and the bangla worker he asked the bangla worker when can u start driving? the bangla worker kept silent...
    the boss said to the bangla worker and my dad "I GIVE HIM 3 DAYS TO DRIVE OR ELSE I DONT WANT TO SEE BOTH OF YOUR FACES"
    after hearing that, my dad left his company handphone and company keys to his collegue and left the workshop without a word.

    it has been 3 times the boss had threaten my dad in this manner over a different worker. wherelse my dad jobscope has nothing related to babysit the company workers. what has the other worker got to do with my dad??

    now it seems that i have to start to save up and stop on my hobby for the time being. hobby can be started over once again....

    writing this out to lighten the anger i have on my dad boss. well eventhough this is a test of life, life still has to go on. money can be earned back and same goes to the hobby.
    + i ` k a l +

    p c m 9 x
    RC Kite
    S c o r p i o n
    A L P H A B a b y
    Ice cream prototype

    Changing Boss

    Hi, i respect your dad's move. If he has the talent or skill or experience don't worry he will soon finds a better boss than now.All local workers in Singapore is facing all these.Im facing NEW management who don't know what's product they are doing,for me i have been with the company for 9 years..... now nothing,facing those highly payed do nothing management,imaging how i feel and been poke(arrow behind for nothing)
    Will, i have a offer from a friend quiting soon.
    Finally ,best of luck to your DAD.Happy New Year.


      I respect your dad's integrity......
      But then, life's unfair, so we have to get used to it.... To be cruel to yourself is to be kind to others.....
      Losers whine about their best. Winners date the Prom Queen.

      Most people talk a lot, only few are up for the moment.

      Suck Squeeze Bang Blow
      20,000 times a min


        I feel what you're going through . sometimes it sucks our blood that such people exists. feel lke complaining to MOM .

        it's a new year .. and be optimistic about it im sure he'll get a job soon

        oh btw, my dad's still on mc .. 11months on MC already

        Which character are you test by


          well its integreity or the family suffers....either way..both its a loose loose situation...
          * OS46- ... and doing simple figure 8 and nose in... want to venture to loops...
          Thanks to all old birds from Daddyhobby
          *Hyper 8 RTR
          *HenLong M1A1
          Mini Monster Truck


            it is impossible for the bangladeshi worker to do walk-in interview. That is to say, he is employed even before the boss sees him.

            if your dad is a foreman, or supervisor at the company, he does have the responsibility to take care of any workers being new or old. But learning to drive in three days is ridiculous!

            What does your dad do at work? I can keep a look out.....

            Originally posted by blurchaoz
            just got back from flying rehersal at northview sec sch Ncc air unit.

            upoun reaching home heard my dad quit his job.

            it is all due to one bangla worker.
            this is how all it started from. the boss interviewed the bangla worker and he asked a question whether he can drive? so this bangla worker somehow say yes. so the boss hired him. on the second day of work for the bangla worker my dad asked him if he could drive since the boss told my dad that the bangla worker could drive. he layter claim to say he cant. so my dad went up to see the boss and told the boss that the bangla claim to say he can't drive so if the bangla worker drives the pick up van it is the bangla worker responsbility over himself.

            Then today the boss call up my dad and the bangla worker he asked the bangla worker when can u start driving? the bangla worker kept silent...
            the boss said to the bangla worker and my dad "I GIVE HIM 3 DAYS TO DRIVE OR ELSE I DONT WANT TO SEE BOTH OF YOUR FACES"
            after hearing that, my dad left his company handphone and company keys to his collegue and left the workshop without a word.

            it has been 3 times the boss had threaten my dad in this manner over a different worker. wherelse my dad jobscope has nothing related to babysit the company workers. what has the other worker got to do with my dad??

            now it seems that i have to start to save up and stop on my hobby for the time being. hobby can be started over once again....

            writing this out to lighten the anger i have on my dad boss. well eventhough this is a test of life, life still has to go on. money can be earned back and same goes to the hobby.


              thanks guys for all ur support to listen to my problems.
              good news is that my dad boss called him back to werk personally.
              + i ` k a l +

              p c m 9 x
              RC Kite
              S c o r p i o n
              A L P H A B a b y
              Ice cream prototype


                bad boss!

                It's normal that there is a lot of those bosses dont respect thier workers, they thought they r great. but indeed they r just better luck a bit than thier workers.

                now he call ur dad back but no guarantee the samething wont happen again! since it's happen 3 times b4.

                if can, ask ur dad find another better company and fire his boss this time.
                Flying RC is like dating a girl...;)


                  thats what he intends to do this time round. he took back the offer becosz if he had to quit his job, there wont be any income if he go jobless for months. so he basically had to accept the offer and find a new job discretely.
                  + i ` k a l +

                  p c m 9 x
                  RC Kite
                  S c o r p i o n
                  A L P H A B a b y
                  Ice cream prototype

