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Proper method of balancing props


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    Proper method of balancing props

    So I got myself a DJI Phantom RTF to fly over the long weekend that is coming up next week.

    One of the things that I would like to do is to properly balance the stock propellers before I take the phantom out on its maiden flight. To that effect, I went out and got myself the 'best' prop balancer - the du bro prop balancer.

    Lo and behold, the balancer gives me one headache after another. Firstly the nuts don't even fit properly into the base plate, secondly the screws don't even go all the way in on the support bar. I really pulled my hair out setting it all up.

    Which brings me to my next and most important question.. Putting the prop on the Dubro, I try my utmost to sand off the heavy blade. I get it to the point where it mostly stays still at whichever position I leave it at.... Then I switch/flip it over so that the prop is closer to the opposite side of the balancer...and the balance goes all out of whack again.

    Another thing is.. If I were to keep the 'balanced' prop and then balance it again on another day, the balance goes nuts again
    Anyone know what I should do? Is my balancer making me chase the sweet spot?


    Make sure the two 'sides' of the balancer is level. I used a spirit level to set them. I have the same balancer and it's fantastic. I used to sand the heavier side, but these days i just use tape on the lighter side.


      So, one of the reasons I'm getting different readings from opposite sides is because of the balancer not being level?

      I've also noticed that if I were to rotate the cones on the shaft, I get different readings - I.e. if I balance it all out and it no longer moves and whichever position I put it, I then shift the cone position and then one blade will drop downwards again.


        I'm beginning to think tht I've got a bad balancer...

