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RC Model Helicopter is just not a 'TOY'


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    RC Model Helicopter is just not a 'TOY'

    i think art got this from the other forum: this is the news report
    this is the story:
    Ron was helping a another pilot(don't know his name at this time) for the past couple of weekends on a 60 size heli. Well, today they got it in the air and Ron was flying it and determined that it was good to go. He handed the transmitter back to the owner who took the heli into a hover. I have heard that it was about 5' high and not far enough out but I can't confirm that yet. Nevertheless, the heli reportedly piroetted around(unknown as to mechanical failure or pilot input). From another second hand conversation I heard that the heli was now nose in and lurched towards the pilot and Ron. The pilot yelled "Duck Ron!" and managed to get out of the way. Unfortunately Ron didn't............(DEEP pause here fellas.... ) The blades contacted Ron at the jugular vein and he hit the ground. From what I hear he was unconscious from that point forward. Justheli's called 911 but from what I hear 35-40 minutes later the paramedics arrived. Ron died in their hands and we lost him.
    JR 2.4GHz 10X

    JR DS8717
    Solid G
    KY-3000 30% nitro

    poor thing always becareful


      Originally posted by chiam
      poor thing always becareful
      People always ask me if i got the heli for my kids.

      When i got the heli, i told my kids heli is OUT OF BOUNDS and surprisingly, they seem to understand. That really amazes me b'c usually kids can never resist touching toys.

      Anyway better to keep it out of reach, otherwise it may sneak out when you are not home. Dont let it happen to you.


        Originally posted by cyz0301
        i think art got this from the other forum: this is the news report
        this is the story:
        Ron was helping a another pilot(don't know his name at this time) for the past couple of weekends on a 60 size heli. Well, today they got it in the air and Ron was flying it and determined that it was good to go. He handed the transmitter back to the owner who took the heli into a hover. I have heard that it was about 5' high and not far enough out but I can't confirm that yet. Nevertheless, the heli reportedly piroetted around(unknown as to mechanical failure or pilot input). From another second hand conversation I heard that the heli was now nose in and lurched towards the pilot and Ron. The pilot yelled "Duck Ron!" and managed to get out of the way. Unfortunately Ron didn't............(DEEP pause here fellas.... ) The blades contacted Ron at the jugular vein and he hit the ground. From what I hear he was unconscious from that point forward. Justheli's called 911 but from what I hear 35-40 minutes later the paramedics arrived. Ron died in their hands and we lost him.
        why repeat the thread?

        I already included the link to for a first hand account of those people present
        TREX 500 ESP
        Futaba T12FGH


          I will also like to stress that all MODELS are not TOYS...that includes cars...planes...bikes...etc..
          TREX 500 ESP
          Futaba T12FGH

