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Hornet 2 'mysterious SHRACK! sound' traced


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    Hornet 2 'mysterious SHRACK! sound' traced

    DEar all Horny people,

    I've traced the source of that irritating 'Shrack' sound during flights..... And it ain't pritty.

    -> It is actually the CONICAL GEAR SLIPPING OR JUMPING ON THE MAIN GEAR! The conical gear looked pretty worn during after flight checks.... then to my horror, 3 teeth were terribly mashed up beyond recognition..... And all this time during spool up[ after i crashed],-> it didn't show!

    I think this 'Shrack' sound has surfaced on Bon's machine too.....

    Seriously , i'm thinking of shaving of the upper plastic lip of the main gear so that the main gear can engage the conical gear fully,

    -> Should i KISS[Keep it Stock, Stupid!], so that with every incident i only lose the conical gear, or MOD [ Mad-person's Ostentatious Doing]

    I had the same problem with the main gear slipping on the conical the end it was that there was a slight bit of play in the tail assembly ..about .5mm but it was enough for the conical gear to come lose and slip when under load.

    make sure that the gears for the tail assembly are very flush with the bearings and there is no play end to end in them!

    this is what fixed it for me

    cheers doug


      Hi all

      I agree with Doug.

      I change my conical gear at main gear also. Mine has a worn out teeth at conical from free play and also constant landing to tall grass. (The grass block/restrict the tail blades movement). I initially make all gears have some free play for the sake of less friction and therefore long flight time.

      Now.. I make all my tail section and conical to main gear with very very very restricted free play. (Too tight and u can turn it)



        Dang!, I got .5mm play in mine, and it's already glued down tight....

