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Zero Level question to ask


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    Zero Level question to ask

    Me newbie got a question to ask, ..was told by the seller before fly heli....

    Must "ON" tx first, follow by connect battery to heli.------correct?
    thot for safety reason should be reverse. Thanks.

    Yes, that is correct.
    Everyone has to start this hobby as newbie.


      Originally posted by regit View Post
      Me newbie got a question to ask, ..was told by the seller before fly heli....

      Must "ON" tx first, follow by connect battery to heli.------correct?
      thot for safety reason should be reverse. Thanks.
      Must "ON" tx first, follow "Throttle HOLD must be ON" and throttle stick at zero position, make sure STUNT mode is not activated! then connect battery to heli.
      Scratch building is more than cutting balsa wood and gluing them. Its a complex process that will test even the most resilient of people


        thanks...only know throttle stick at zero...Anyway once i connect the battery to the heli i will run away from the heli. Thanks for the kindergarden question....


          We are not playing fire crackers here!

          Anyway, these are not toys and will cause injures!

          May you enjoy the hobby.
          I love PAP


            Thanks...i'm aware but do not know where is the throtte hold and stunt mode...any pic to show ? thanks.


              Looking at your questions, I can't help but to worry for you as well as the people around you. You asked many questions but did not tell us what heli, what transmitter you're using. Depending on the size and type of heli, the difficulty and danger level varies. In any case, please try it in a safe, open area.

              Having picked up this hobby not too long ago, I know the importance of getting someone experienced to guide a newbie along. I suggest you to bring your heli to a funfly near you, and ask the kind bros there to check through your settings, as well as guide you through your maiden flight. A lot of "theories" did not make sense to me until I discussed and clarified with the experienced bros.

              I did a lot of homework on my own and I still made mistakes. Luckily, I only broke some parts of the heli and did not hurt anyone.
              Helicopters: KDS 450QS+Tarot 450FL+ZYX4.0, XK K120, HiSKY HCP100S, HP100BL, V922, HCP80
              Multirotors: Wingsland MiniVet, CX-20, NightHawk Pro 280, ROA Parkour 280, Eachine Falcon 250, Eachine Racer 250, Eachine Assassin 180, Tarot TL130H1, DP4X-124, Skyartec Butterfly
              Planes: Volantex 757-4, F16 EDF, F959, F939, HiSKY HFW400
              Transmitter: Taranis X9D+


                I agree with Fyresg , i too suggest you to bring your heli to a funfly , best is there are some heli flyers around to help you check your heli and setting in your tx before you even attempt to practise hover ( you must master hovering your heli for 4 to 5 mins before attempting to learn foward flight ) . Throttle hold and stunt mode are settings set into the tx therefore it is difficult to use picture to show you . I have ever crashed my heli in a comunity center indoors and could not find one of the blade that flew off upon hitting a plastic chair . And mine is just a Flasher 450 sport size . Maybe you can start off by telling us where do you stay ? Then we can suggest a funfly place for you to go and ask the experts there .


                  Originally posted by regit View Post
                  Thanks...i'm aware but do not know where is the throtte hold and stunt mode...any pic to show ? thanks.
                  thro hold means regardless of thr stick position, the motor will not spin and you get to stay pretty. Stunt mode aka flight mode aka idle-up is when u do 3d or maybe sport flying. if u lazy or paiseh to go funfly, runryder and helifreak are yr best bet to learn. youtube is also yr good friend from now on. Whatever you do, just be safe but your bird is a 90size nitro, pls let us know where u fly so we won't be there...

                  No lah, just kidding.
                  Mikado Logos, RaptorG4s, X7F, 600ESP...
                  JUST one more Logo...for the month.


                    noted..managed to get the for the advise from senoir ....yes it's not a toy...aware that a bay was killed in malaysia recently.


                      Thanks for the kind advise.....typo boy was killed.
                      My house got ceiling fan so i know the danger....Somehow now heli out of action! ha!

