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Possible of Modify Hornet II Rotor to Spin CounterClockWise


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    Possible of Modify Hornet II Rotor to Spin CounterClockWise

    Hi all

    Our Hornet II tail blades is actually blowing air to the vertical stabilator (fin). For those who prefer real/scale model of RC Helicopter, in real Heli, all (I can say it is all) tail blades is blowing air away from the Vertical Stabilator.

    The purpose of blowing away is because if u blow into the stabilator, u actually creating a turbulence between blades and stabilator. This will lost energy and also causing vibration.

    So, tonite I was replacing my Hornet II main shaft, I notice that it possible to make our Hornet II main rotor blades spin counterclockwise (View from top) like those real American Made Helicopter (Huey, Blackhawk, Apache, Commanche, Bell). Our tail section if make to blow away instead of into the stabilator will have to make your tail section to turn 180 Degree if we do not reverse our main blades spinning direction. If u turn your tail section 180, u also have to shift your tail servo to the other direction.

    So, if u make main blades spin counterclockwise, u do not need to turn tail section 180. To make main rotor spin CCW, u need to reverse the paddles, main blades, the outer ring inner see-saw, and also tail blades and tail blades pusher. There is a lot of reversing but at the end, u might ever to reduce or even remove your tail waging!

    Does anyone try it?


    European helis and north american helis are spin their blades differently so while a huey would have its blades go anticlockwise from the top a gazelle or bo105 would be spinning them clockwise from the top.

    so it's not a big deal especially with a proper control setup like on a hornet. I think it's worth a shot though you'll probably have to re learn how to deal with the tail like on take off and stuff.

    let us know how it goes !


      Hi Derrick

      I know that the U.S. made heli spin CCW and France Heli, CW.

      What I complain or don't like about our Hornet is that its standard/normal setting is its tail blades is blowing air to stabilator. If u look at Hirobo Heli or other Heli, it is pushing air away.

      I still thinking shall I do the reverse thing or not....Just for fun!

      The only thing different is that instead of drifting to left as per normal on our Hornet II or Dragonfly/Humming, it will now drift to the right when take off.



        U know, it is EASIER to turn the tail around instead of learning how to fly the other rotation.

        I've tot about doing it. But Verteran flyers said the difference is something like 1% or the loss is smt like 1%, about the same as how much rotor swash is blocked by your canopy.

        Although turning around the tail means there will be no tail stab to block the wind, the rotation direction means that the tail blades will swing upwards [looking from the end of the tail] then downwards in flow with the rotor wash. Supposedly yhr tail blades are supposed to swing against the rotor wash[upwards] to scoop 'clean air'.


          manz...... u guys got me blur liao Try doing and keep us posted



            Hi MicroHeli-Nut

            I initially thinking of swing the tail section (U know... Shaft, Gear, Propeller compartment) 180 degree so it is pointed to th right instead (Seeing from rear). By doing so, your tail push rod will be on top instead. That means your tail servo is at the other side facing up. There is nothing wrong if u want to do fact, it might be easier also BUT if u have a crash or heavy landing impact, your main blades will hit the pushrod. The worse case is u break your push rod. The good thing is it break your push rod before it hit your tail boom.

            I was thinking it will be unique or different from u all if it go CCW!

            Edit: Oh... BTW... is it that critical about upward air scoop? I thought our tail blades and main blades distance are quite far away.

            Last edited by Super-Hornet; 18-06-2004, 09:45 AM.


              Super Hornet,
              Now i feel like teleporting all the way to where u are standing now...... cos' now WE're TALKING ON THE SAME FREQUENCY!

              Actually the push rod will not be hit since the blades are swinging CW. Doug taught me to put all my wires on the left side of the boom.

              I'm tingling with excitement!

              Cos' this is a big TIP!!!!!

              Hornet 2 has such a FANTASTIC BODY FRAME DESIGN.

              See ur clamp nut and screws at the tail? If we use a longer screw and a few metal spacers, that can double up as a pivot point for te bell crank. So now u have a gear box that works with the push rod underneath , both WAYS!

              The cool thing is u can even make ur own bell cranks! I've tested it already... regular 2mm ID bearings fit the bolt there..... So now we can make our own ball raced bell cranks. Why all the trouble?

              Frank was telling me, since my gyro's too sensitve, i could try lengthening the tail end of the bell crank. That got me thinking...

              I've got a hunch that the bell crank's angle is well-designed, but not both ends of the crank. The end that runs the tail slider is too short. Which would explain why we're having so many probelms with tail wags.....

              This is because the input end of the bell-crank is too long/the output end of the bell crank is too short.... That is why we're all mounting our tail pushrods as close to the centre of our servo horns as possible. MS designed the bell crank in this way, i suppose to cut down on tail weight and it's the 'best fitting' for their gearbox....

              That said, I've got my Hornet 2 working fine with the tail facing left instead of right.....

              Anyone needs explanatory pictures?


                Wait a minute... u said That said, I've got my Hornet 2 working fine with the tail facing left instead of right.....
                ... That means u already make your tail rotor blades in pushing air away from the stabilator?

                Oh... I almost forgot, your tail servo is at the rear end of your tail boom right? If so, that is why u do not have push-rod problem.

                Anyway, my Hornet II tail didn't wag (or only at certain time but rare it wag a bit and it a short time only).

                I at office right now so can't see my Hornet II. Tonite, if possible I going modify my Hornet II to go CCW.

                BTW... do u have any picture of your configuration?



                  hey hornet

                  hmmm just an idea , why dont you try and see if the fin is making a substantial difference before you start changing stuff about ?


                    NO no no.. I'd rather u not do that! u'll have to re-learn the steps.......


                      super hornet, you can only modify the tail to jet the other way. you cannot modify the head to do it the other way. reasoning is because the blades need to have their full required deflection exactly 90deg before the full effect takes place. unless the rotor head is engineered to be flown either way, which i doubt so, since its a CP head, you wouldn't be able to simply turn the blades around and fly.
                      JR 9x
                      Raptor 50 SE
                      Raptor 90 3D

                      Superb machine!

                      Piper Warrior 2 Pa-28-161
                      Lycoming O-320-D3G 160HP

                      Pilatus PC-21
                      Pratt & Whitney PT6A-64B 1600SHP


                        Originally posted by Brandon Chng
                        super hornet, you can only modify the tail to jet the other way. you cannot modify the head to do it the other way. reasoning is because the blades need to have their full required deflection exactly 90deg before the full effect takes place. unless the rotor head is engineered to be flown either way, which i doubt so, since its a CP head, you wouldn't be able to simply turn the blades around and fly.
                        I'm lost what exactly do you mean ?

                        "super hornet, you can only modify the tail to jet the other way. you cannot modify the head to do it the other way."

                        You want the head to jet the other way ? which way ?

                        "reasoning is because the blades need to have their full required deflection "

                        What do you mean by full required deflection? along which axis ?

                        "exactly 90deg before the full effect takes place. "

                        90 deg to what ? what effect do you mean?

                        "you wouldn't be able to simply turn the blades around and fly."

                        He wont but i think hornet knows that that's why he's planing on turning around more than just the main blades.


                          Thanks Derrick for questioning back Brandon Chng for most of the think I do not understand what he say...hehe..

                          Brandon Chng... I'm running Brushless motor so it doesn't matter which direction I want it to spin... Just swap either 2 wire will do.

                          As I said, to have Main Blades spin CCW, these are the things need to do:
                          1 - Main Blades reverse.
                          2 - Paddles in reverse.
                          3 - Motor Spin reverse.
                          4 - Tail blades in reverse.
                          5 - Outer Ring center/inner see-saw flip 180 degree.
                          6 - Main Blade holder turn 180 degree.
                          7 - Tail pitch pusher.

                          U might need to do servo reverse also. For 5 to 7 may not be necessary but your servo might if u do not do reverse on 5 to 7 items.

                          What else do I missed?



                            haha yeah i didnt get his post at all.

                            Sounds like a lot of stuff, i really think you should make sure taking the fin out of the wash will really make really help things before you start all that work.


                              Hi Derrick..

                              Actually I wanted to go CCW is not because of tail wag or anything. I just want to make my Hornet be like most of the real Helicopter configuration out there.


