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Lipo Monitor & Peak Pulse Effect Arrest


Zenm Tech Pte Ltd


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    Lipo Monitor & Peak Pulse Effect Arrest

    Like to share with your my new gadget which I order 1 week ago. Just got it today. Had just installed on my heli. The difference with this gadget is that It come with an IC chip and two large capacitor. It has got two jumper setting which allow me to configure for 2 to 4 cells and another set of jumper to configure the load profile which are Medium 3V ; Heavy 2.7V and Extreme at 2.4V. It come with both super bright LED and 85db alarm.

    When I plug in my battery , the LED do a initial test to check the setting. Initial green LED will flash will flash 1 , 2 or 3 times depending on your load profile, then the yellow LED will flashes to indicate the no. of cells you have set.

    Its even intelligent enough to detect if you have set the correct no. of cells, by the continous blink of green LED.

    After I plug in and my ESky control box had initialise. I take my heli up, I notice there was no surge in the LED indicator. It remain green , showing no false indication. The previous Lipo guard which I bought when I am taking off the sudden surge of current will cause the LED indicator to show a false indication dropping to orange but this was not the case for my new Lipo guard.

    Also I notice my battery power is not very stable I can feel the continous power being deliver to my heli.

    Although I pay a high price for this gadget US$35, but its really worth while so far. I will report the monitoring of the voltage in a weeks time.

    At the mean time there is some photo here. The web side and name of the gadget can be seen on the picture.

    More Photos

    My Honey Bee with MSI Blade love this Blade so durable had many knock but still survive !

