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Sk 720 Setup


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    Sk 720 Setup

    Hi Guys
    Managed to get through the basic setup for Skookum 720 but I'm not sure what to do for the pitch and throttle curves now.

    The manual says I have to keep them straight with no expo during setup. So the norm pitch curve is now -10 to +10 but I can't fly that.

    Do I keep it like this only during this first part? Then change the curves in the Tx once everything is ok?

    Unless you all think its better to learn with the collective stick set for 0 pitch in the middle instead of fully down.

    Was think I could make a semi circle sponge to stop the stick moving into the negative collective range. Get used to flying just the top half.

    Thanks in advance

    You can adjust your pitch curves as per normal once SK720 setup is completed, it will not affect the gyro settings at all.

    If you are a beginner, you can set the pitch curve to give about -4 to 0 from 0-50% and 0 to 10 from 50-100%. You would still need some negative pitch to get your heli down gently.

    To make flying even easier, enable the self-levelling option in one of your cyclic banks and set to 100%. This will make your heli fly like a co-axial.
    Beastx installed and flying ...



      Thanks. I'll do that then.

      However, just found a problem with collective range in the setup. Max + is only 62% but I get 100% for -.

      I tried changing the endpoints but it doesn't make any difference.

      At the same time, in the throttle fail safe, it reads 100+ and 100- though. So somewhat confused.

      I'm not sure what throttle failsafe does though. I turned on throttle hold in the Tx. Don't know if they are the same thing.

