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How long do i need to charge my new helicopter battery


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    How long do i need to charge my new helicopter battery

    i got a new battery its outrage 6s 22.2v 2500mah 25c 62.5 AMP continuous. 50c AMP BURST any1 noe how long do i need to charge the battery and how many Amp and Volts do i need to put in to balance the battery and how many volts must i discharge when i am not in use i am currently using b6AC charger

    Set ur charger to 6S lipo and 2.5A charging. Thatz 1C charging.


      can you tell me how do i make my battery last longer and flying time will be longer?


        Some rules I was told and follow are
        - charge only if using the same or latest next day
        - don't discharge below 20% of capacity ie (2500mAh x 20%)
        - don't charge above 105%
        - store the battery at 50% of capacity when not flying
        - use the balancer when charging so the 6 cells are charged to the same level

        I got myself a voltage checker to see what is the battery capacity after I fly. So when I fly, I can get a better estimate the flight times so I don't over discharge below 20%.

        Actually, I find it a hassle to charge back up to 50% after flying, so I stop at 50%. Just get more batteries. H/e don't know if stopping at 50% will shorten the battery life.


          Forgot 2 other points
          - one web site said to charge to 90% after 60 charges (I think because the battery chemistry is old)
          - then there is "keeping it in the fridge" ( I was asking everyone here about that, you can search the forum)


            Originally posted by Xsunny View Post
            can you tell me how do i make my battery last longer and flying time will be longer?
            For heli,

            1) Fly it at the lowest possible rpm to sustain a hover.

            2) Use governor mode to maintain the optimal headspeed.

            3) Reduce unneccessary weight on ur heli. Power to weight ratio.

            4) Have good collective management.

            5) Fly in light wind condition.

            The above should be able to maintain ur batts in good condition and have a longer flight time. Thatz wat I doing during my FEDA Dragonfly and Trex450X days.

