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ZAP400 vs TREX V2


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    Hi all

    I kinda agree with Tele and BonJour Brat. T-Rex is a good heli. Those who own T-Rex will like its cyclics!! AXI really do not have the torque and RPM for T-RexX. Stick to Align Motor (Low budge) or go for Mega if u want. Use the size of the motor as a quick reference. Another motor that can use in T-RexX is JGF400DH but it eats battery faster than I drink my coke!

    I feel that what MicroHeli-Nut perception on T-Rex is based on what his personal preference. T-RexX cyclics control is OK. Nothing wrong with it.

    Note: Zap is also a good heli. Both T-Rex and Zap got its goods and bads.



      I wonder if anyone read the earlier posts i wrote, I did not in any post write that the Trex was bad or say that it was possible to 3D on the 2208/20....

      Price wise, for the moment, I only know that the Trex is the lowest in terms of spares and kits at Jet. It is currently the only mini-sized heli to come with a belt-driven tail setup in stock form, which helps a lot in crashs. Heaviest of the three in stock form.

      For the Zap, there were a lot of reports of stripped gears and slow cyclic problems.....Fragile blades

      As for the hornet, $$ is the issue.

      The step up from an FP to an electric CP is not cheap.

      OT: Please inform me if there will be a future Trex kit that can 3D seriously in stock form and a cheaper b/l motor for around 10+minutes.... for I am seriously exploring into alternative cheaper 3D electric machines.

      This kinda thread will never end one... can we start a new thread compilation of Trex, or Zap Fixes? MOre beneficial that way....
      Last edited by MicroHeli-Nut; 28-03-2005, 10:28 AM.


        Overall, it was a good discussion from everyone. Microhelinut suggestion of a compilation of fixes for T-REX or Zap is good. It would help newbies alot.
        I have seen them all.

        A mediocre r/c pilot who thinks that he is one top gun.

        A nerd looking and sick flyer who thinks that he is a great modeller.

        Greed that made a friend became a competitor.


          Originally posted by mack
          Overall, it was a good discussion from everyone. Microhelinut suggestion of a compilation of fixes for T-REX or Zap is good. It would help newbies alot.

          I'm still flying my Trex on stock setup n happy with it.

          So far spend abt S$50 on spares for my crashes.

          When I'm flying the Trex, I progress much faster than I was when I had the FEDA n Honey bee. Now can side hover n forward flight ( ugly figure 8 ). On FEDA n Honey Bee, I was on tail in hover only. Its probably me not the heli. Coz I see Fit fly the FEDA like very easy!!! He can fly it around.


            I not sure whether is it me or it is a fact... Most of us do progress very fast when flying T-Rex. Take example Genexis... He can do FF & even Figure 8 like within a month. For most of us, it take months just to hover when flying FEDA.



              Originally posted by Super-Hornet
              I not sure whether is it me or it is a fact... Most of us do progress very fast when flying T-Rex. Take example Genexis... He can do FF & even Figure 8 like within a month. For most of us, it take months just to hover when flying FEDA.

              thats not true...... mike takes forever to progress from hovering :na


                After maidening my new trex and having finished 1 pack during that 1st flight, I'd say the rex is definately a great beginner's heli.
                The cyclic is too much tho nearly crashed when taking off, have to dial in about -60% expo... going to tweak somemore but no more bat power liao..
                Mack! I need some bat packs.. hehe
                Trex 450.
                Trex 500.


                  The lipos are coming soon.

                  Have fun!
                  I have seen them all.

                  A mediocre r/c pilot who thinks that he is one top gun.

                  A nerd looking and sick flyer who thinks that he is a great modeller.

                  Greed that made a friend became a competitor.


                    Hi Benqbc

                    Side track a bit...
                    Good to hear u fly your TRex liau. U might want to adjust your end-point instead. My personal preference will be that try not to go more than -35% expo.

                    Frank... U are right about Mike takes forever to hover.. I wanted to say that also but afraid that I get banned from accessing this forum.




                      Originally posted by Frank
                      thats not true...... mike takes forever to progress from hovering :na
                      I use to dial expo, now no more, I use dual rate instead. Its okay for a start but as u fly more, u will need more cyclic



                        How is Mike going to fly more? He has to take pictures to post them. B patience with him lah!
                        I have seen them all.

                        A mediocre r/c pilot who thinks that he is one top gun.

                        A nerd looking and sick flyer who thinks that he is a great modeller.

                        Greed that made a friend became a competitor.

