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ESC Problem HBK2


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    ESC Problem HBK2

    Hi guys

    Recently I've just bought a new hbk2 heli (first CP heli) and whilst I was blade tracking (due to some crappy stick movements had to replace the blades ) the esky esc went kaput and smoked.

    So after some research, I went to skyhobbies to get a pulso 33A+ esc hoping it would last abit longer than the esky one (which seems to be the first thing to go kaput from various other forums). After installing it, i gave the motor a spin and everything was a-ok.

    Hence the itchy fingers of mine decided to play with the programming functions of the card by turning the brake on..

    ...and the esc smoked.

    I turned off the throttle quickly in shock, then after recovering from said shock, I throttled up a little bit and amazingly the motor still worked. I went up to aroud 70+% throttle and it stayed spinning.

    'Excellent!' I thought. so i went on to continue my blade tracking. But after around 20s of blade spinning, the motor completedly stopped working. Checked the batts and they're still kinda full. Replaced the batts and the motor still refused to work.

    So I decded to grab a drink.

    Came back to try the throttle again, and amazingly it worked again. But after around 20s of spinning at 70%, it stopped working again.


    I suspect its the esc's fault... or my itchy fingers with the brake function's fault.

    What exactly did the brake do? What should I do?

    (standard 1800mah esky lipo, rec/transmitter,3900kv brushless)

    Normally, people turn off brake when using on helicopter. That's one of the first things I was taught.


      call Skyhobbies, I am sure he will be glad to explain as much as he can.....
      After so many years, I am still a beginner


        Originally posted by sylvez View Post
        Hi guys

        Recently I've just bought a new hbk2 heli (first CP heli) and whilst I was blade tracking (due to some crappy stick movements had to replace the blades ) the esky esc went kaput and smoked.

        So after some research, I went to skyhobbies to get a pulso 33A+ esc hoping it would last abit longer than the esky one (which seems to be the first thing to go kaput from various other forums). After installing it, i gave the motor a spin and everything was a-ok.

        Hence the itchy fingers of mine decided to play with the programming functions of the card by turning the brake on..

        ...and the esc smoked.

        I turned off the throttle quickly in shock, then after recovering from said shock, I throttled up a little bit and amazingly the motor still worked. I went up to aroud 70+% throttle and it stayed spinning.

        'Excellent!' I thought. so i went on to continue my blade tracking. But after around 20s of blade spinning, the motor completedly stopped working. Checked the batts and they're still kinda full. Replaced the batts and the motor still refused to work.

        So I decded to grab a drink.

        Came back to try the throttle again, and amazingly it worked again. But after around 20s of spinning at 70%, it stopped working again.


        I suspect its the esc's fault... or my itchy fingers with the brake function's fault.

        What exactly did the brake do? What should I do?

        (standard 1800mah esky lipo, rec/transmitter,3900kv brushless)
        Could it be the ESC safety cutoff function? Can try looking up the instruction manual


          thanks for your replies...

          actually the manual did talk about cut off... but it wasnt like this before the brake function smoked the esc...

          but should the esc smoke like this with brake on?

          if brakes shouldnt be applied to electric heli escs.. and if it smokes the esc then it shouldn't even be there in the first place ma...

          my money got wings already


            It might sound silly, but are you using the stock brushed motor from the stock kit or a brushless motor?


              ESC can be used on both heli and plane. So the brake function is there for you to enable depending on your ESC application.

              I suspect you may have accidentally set the low voltage cut-off to a higher voltage. Maybe you should re-program your ESC again. If you're not sure of any of the values, please ask first before you commence programming.


                hi guys thanks for your responses.

                went to skyhobbies to ask for help..

                the uncle was nice enough to sell me another one for 1/2 the price even though it wasnt exactly his fault to begin with..

                oh well


