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I make same mistake again of letting other to pilot my Chopper.


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    I make same mistake again of letting other to pilot my Chopper.

    Hi all

    My friend recently purchase barebone Hummingbird and lend him my old ESC Mixer and PG-03 Gyro + BirdSeeds + Charger.

    This morning he bring the chopper to my place for calibration and I after I tweak/tune his chopper, we bring his and my chopper to my HDB void deck. We being flying around quite fun over there, attracted a few crowds also.

    My Friend still in the learning stage of hovering, and after he compare my GY240 HHold Gyro, he wanted to try my chopper to see the differences.

    I temporary change my throttle stick to the same as u all so prevent him from getting MicroHeli-Nut do on my chopper. I let him try, he crash a few times but in 2 Inches away from ground... but at the last try, he power my chopper way too high till it almost hit the void deck ceiling!!! I said Danger! Going to Hit Ceilling already Lor! He then got panic and then we saw my chopper go straight (sideway actually) to one of the pilar of the void deck. CRASH!!!!!! We then say my chopper blades breaking into half and crash down onto the floor!! Hard Impact onto floor!

    After FAA analyzed the crash site, found one main blades break at the screw side, missing one link rod between swash plate to flybar, broke one ball for Outer Control Plate, RX came off, Bend both landing skids support.

    A few days ago I purchase some parts for assembling my Scale model for Huey but now I have to use those parts. Hai.....Sian.

    Sorry for listenning/reading my fustration.


    hahaha hey man you got my sympathies.

    At least it's a heli can more or less be fixed to before...


      sorry about your heli, but should educate your friend too! As he should be very well aware of his ability and should stay low since he is only a new hand. In case of anything can just cut throttle and let it land.

      I should say it is lucky no one is around....some ppl just don't like to see RC toy flying around, especially when it crash.


        I educate my friend already but I think my friend has an attitude problem of always do not believe in me or never listen to what I say. I even told him that my chopper is very powerful that can even hit the AISS ceiling if u power up way too high.

        Hai... yesterday I tried some part for hummingbird but I feel that the spare part is not as good as what I used to have in my chopper...Maybe parts still virgin.



          My advise, leave him alone u do not want to keep fixing your heli for someone's problem. He fly his and you fly your that is the best way out. On the other hand, he break it he pay for it...

          Well agree new part especially those ball link will not perform as well as compare to the old part. They need some run in. That is why I keep fixing the old link rather than getting a new one.


            if he won't listen to you, better not let him touch any of your helis, and don't be around when he flies. some ppl don't realise the real power of r/c helis until its too late. r/c heli aren't to be taken as toys. they're serious models which can and do kill when ppl treat them as toys...
            JR 9x
            Raptor 50 SE
            Raptor 90 3D

            Superb machine!

            Piper Warrior 2 Pa-28-161
            Lycoming O-320-D3G 160HP

            Pilatus PC-21
            Pratt & Whitney PT6A-64B 1600SHP


              Not sure if you guys heard about a micro heli incident at MS? Some careless flyer actually hit someone on the eye and caused some temporary blindness! Please be careful!


                Yeah, I read about it on rcflying, its really something we always take for granted.

                Whichever the case, I seriously felt individual should fly only their own heli. In the case someone else is flying another person heli, I think strictly stick to hovering to be on the safe side.



                  These are articles on Nitro.. but the danger is also there for electrics...



                    Yeah.. i think u'll be on the safe side by not letting him handle ur heli if he doesn't listen.. it could have been worse.. crashing into someone and not the wall.. so.. ya.. be safe.. fly safe..
                    Failure is not final,
                    Success is never ending:
                    It is not the destination but the journey that matters.

                    Wadever the journey, keep flying!


                      okie.... from now onward... I won't pass my DFly or any future Aircraft key to anyone else. If they are interested, they can only see and touch it when I put it in static display.



                        hey hornet er can i try your heli please

                        hahaha just distrubing you


                          Go away! Only Certified pilot are allow here!

                          Hehe.. Just kidding.



                            Well if D.Yeo is not Certified Pilot for the way he fly. We need a "yellow box" for ppl like me "the beginner area" to prevent damange to ppl and plane

