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TT50 Engine need help


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    TT50 Engine need help

    Hi.. First.. will like to wish everyone in DH a Happy Chinese New Year..

    I had bought a new TT50H and done a needle mod with small needle 2.75 round and big needle 2.75 round.. and run in with 2 tanks..

    When i try to spool up to hover, the engine will die off (like someone hit the throtle cut) at the mid stick? when I try to rich the the gib needle to 3 round, when i sppol up, when the stick reach the 50%, it become very rich and engine chock and die off..

    anyone can advise??

    FYI, I am using new plug, new engine, new clutch, new clutch bell, new line even in the tank..
    "Never Argue with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and win you with their experience"

    Raptor 50 fully blinged
    Peigon 450 fully blinged With Airwolf fuselage
    Wilga 2000

    If it's a new engine, and especially for TT engine, I think you'll need to spool up slowly, ie., slowly raise from low to mid, and if the engine sounds like it's going to cut, then spool down, and raise up slowly just below the cut off point and give it some time to pick up speed, lower and raise slowly repeatedly until it gain enough speed, and it may take half a tank before it pick up speed (This is my personal experience)

    I have this problem with my Redline, but that's when it's new, and usually happen on the first flight. Guess it's not fully run in yet.

    Originally posted by zactky
    Hi.. First.. will like to wish everyone in DH a Happy Chinese New Year..

    I had bought a new TT50H and done a needle mod with small needle 2.75 round and big needle 2.75 round.. and run in with 2 tanks..

    When i try to spool up to hover, the engine will die off (like someone hit the throtle cut) at the mid stick? when I try to rich the the gib needle to 3 round, when i sppol up, when the stick reach the 50%, it become very rich and engine chock and die off..

    anyone can advise??

    FYI, I am using new plug, new engine, new clutch, new clutch bell, new line even in the tank..


      Originally posted by tucfaz
      If it's a new engine, and especially for TT engine, I think you'll need to spool up slowly, ie., slowly raise from low to mid, and if the engine sounds like it's going to cut, then spool down, and raise up slowly just below the cut off point and give it some time to pick up speed, lower and raise slowly repeatedly until it gain enough speed, and it may take half a tank before it pick up speed (This is my personal experience)

      I have this problem with my Redline, but that's when it's new, and usually happen on the first flight. Guess it's not fully run in yet.
      Used almost one whole sat to figure out why this happen, try and error the whole Sat.. from 11am till 6pm.. but still cant get it to spool up nicely.. really

      Thanks bro for your kind advise.. I will try it!!

      Gong Xi Fa Cai..
      "Never Argue with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and win you with their experience"

      Raptor 50 fully blinged
      Peigon 450 fully blinged With Airwolf fuselage
      Wilga 2000


        use the richer setting, then squeeze the fuel line for a few seconds to let the engine burn off extra fuel in the engine before you spool up. Sometimes, the problem you descibe can happen if needle mod is not done enough. I would suggest you try the squeeze method first before doing the needle mod furthur.



          sell it away lah...u should bring jossticks on that day or the ground is kena curse


            Originally posted by baby_zyklon
            use the richer setting, then squeeze the fuel line for a few seconds to let the engine burn off extra fuel in the engine before you spool up. Sometimes, the problem you descibe can happen if needle mod is not done enough. I would suggest you try the squeeze method first before doing the needle mod furthur.
            Thank you bro.. will try the squeese method..

            The Mod needle is from my previous TT50 which is running very well.. Maybe it could be the new fuel line i had changed, I realised that the new fuel line is only 2mm diameter for inner hole, but standard fuel line for 50 size engine is 2.5mm diameter.. it is running too lean i guess.. Will change all the fuel line and check again.
            "Never Argue with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and win you with their experience"

            Raptor 50 fully blinged
            Peigon 450 fully blinged With Airwolf fuselage
            Wilga 2000


              Originally posted by greenhorn
              sell it away lah...u should bring jossticks on that day or the ground is kena curse
              Ya.. 3 heli there.. no one fly..

              bad ground..
              "Never Argue with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and win you with their experience"

              Raptor 50 fully blinged
              Peigon 450 fully blinged With Airwolf fuselage
              Wilga 2000


                Originally posted by zactky
                Thank you bro.. will try the squeese method..

                The Mod needle is from my previous TT50 which is running very well.. Maybe it could be the new fuel line i had changed, I realised that the new fuel line is only 2mm diameter for inner hole, but standard fuel line for 50 size engine is 2.5mm diameter.. it is running too lean i guess.. Will change all the fuel line and check again.

                sigpicGround is closer than it appear...


                  Originally posted by abner
                  Bro.. same problems you have faced last time..

                  I found out new TT engine need more time to tune.. a little but will take time sayang her.. then she will work nicely..
                  "Never Argue with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and win you with their experience"

                  Raptor 50 fully blinged
                  Peigon 450 fully blinged With Airwolf fuselage
                  Wilga 2000


                    squeese method? what is it?

                    I got the same problme. 50% stick on throttle the engine like going to die down..seems like it is normal? my needle is 2 this too lean? or can be leaner? I am running with MP5. 20% nitro..a lot of smoke but a bit hot on the back plate..
                    Whiplashing soon?

                    Crash records counter
                    JR Vibe 50: 01
                    Trex600N Pro: 01
                    Kasama Srimok 90: 01
                    TT Raptor 50: 10
                    TT Raptor 90 3D: 01
                    MA Fury 55: 01

                    (Latest Crash Dated 29 April 2012) Total: 15



                      Originally posted by TmMugen
                      squeese method? what is it?

                      I got the same problme. 50% stick on throttle the engine like going to die down..seems like it is normal? my needle is 2 this too lean? or can be leaner? I am running with MP5. 20% nitro..a lot of smoke but a bit hot on the back plate..
                      try the below..

                      The Pinch Test
                      Once you start the engine, allow it to run for a few minutes at idle so that the real operating temperature is reached. Trying to adjust an engine that's below operating temperature is a waste of time, since the performance will change with the temperature. After a minute or so of idle clear out the engine by applying some throttle then back at idle give the fuel line leading into the engine a pinch to cut off the flow. If the engine dies within a seconds it's too lean, so richen up the low end a couple of clicks. If the engine continues to run for more than a few seconds it's too rich, so lean it out by a couple of clicks. The engine should run for 2 seconds, speed up, then begin to die. Repeat the pinch test until you've reached this desired result.

                      In Flight Testing
                      Hovering • Once you see that the engine is not stalling at idle and you're comfortable with how the carb is set, bring her up to speed and get the heli into a nice hover. Look and listen, and note whether or not the engine appears to be either too rich or too lean. If it's lean, richen the high-end needle 2 clicks. If it appears to be too rich, lean the high-end needle two clicks. Take your time, and don't go more than two clicks at a time. Once you've found what you feel to be just right, move onto climb.

                      Climbing • Okay, so it's idling well, it looks good when hovering, and now it's time to climb. At a hover, stab the throttle to near full power and see how the engine appears during your ascent. If there was hesitation or a load of smoke, then you're probably still a little rich and will need to lean out the high speed by a couple of clicks. If the heli shot upward instantly, had little or no smoke trail, or sounded as if it were popping, then it's too lean and you'll need to richen it up by a click or two. As with the steps before, repeat the process until you find the setting that's just right.

                      Pinch It Again • Because the high-end needle affects the entire range of the engine, it's a good idea to go back and repeat the pinch test after you're comfortable with hovering and climbing.

                      Conditions • The process illustrated above is the same no matter what the conditions, although there are some things you should know about the ambient air temperature and humidity. Every time your engine goes through a cycle it draws in a fixed volume of air. Within that volume of air are oxygen molecules, and oxygen is necessary for your engine to run. When the air is humid, there is less oxygen within that same volume of air, meaning that you'll tend to run the engine more lean than rich. When humidity is lower there's more oxygen in that same volume of air, meaning you'll want to run richer so that you achieve the optimum ratio of fuel to air (oxygen). Temperature also plays a role, but it's less significant than humidity. As ambient air temperature increases the air becomes less dense, meaning less oxygen. You would tune just as you would for more humid conditions.

                      Engine tuning is not an exact science, but with some practice and patience you'll get comfortable with your skill and be able tune for any conditions mother nature throws at you. Throughout your flying day if you see the conditions change, or your engine seems to have fallen out of tune, adjust accordingly and have fun.

                      Happy tunning..
                      "Never Argue with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and win you with their experience"

                      Raptor 50 fully blinged
                      Peigon 450 fully blinged With Airwolf fuselage
                      Wilga 2000


                        thank you bro..can check if redline need more run in than the os? i try last weekend and ended up with a hot back plate..but like no power..

                        where do you fly? maybe can i take a few pointers off you..cheers..
                        Whiplashing soon?

                        Crash records counter
                        JR Vibe 50: 01
                        Trex600N Pro: 01
                        Kasama Srimok 90: 01
                        TT Raptor 50: 10
                        TT Raptor 90 3D: 01
                        MA Fury 55: 01

                        (Latest Crash Dated 29 April 2012) Total: 15



                          Originally posted by TmMugen
                          thank you bro..can check if redline need more run in than the os? i try last weekend and ended up with a hot back plate..but like no power..

                          where do you fly? maybe can i take a few pointers off you..cheers..
                          My buddy is using redline, he took about 2 gallons of 20%CP, and now his heli is flying with power.. I think TT engine need more time for tunning..

                          Try not to mess up the small needle of the redline before break in the engine..

                          I will be flying off to Iran and will be coming back on 9 May. Contact you when I am back.
                          "Never Argue with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and win you with their experience"

                          Raptor 50 fully blinged
                          Peigon 450 fully blinged With Airwolf fuselage
                          Wilga 2000


                            shit..already mess up the low end needle..think i saw some guys says that it must be flushed..
                            Whiplashing soon?

                            Crash records counter
                            JR Vibe 50: 01
                            Trex600N Pro: 01
                            Kasama Srimok 90: 01
                            TT Raptor 50: 10
                            TT Raptor 90 3D: 01
                            MA Fury 55: 01

                            (Latest Crash Dated 29 April 2012) Total: 15



                              Originally posted by TmMugen
                              shit..already mess up the low end needle..think i saw some guys says that it must be flushed..
                              start up your engine, to tune the idling, use the pinch test to set the low end needle (or maybe should call it as the valve). spool up slowly, maybe the engine will die off at the mid stick, be patience.. if everything ok, than go on to the big needle tunning..

                              Kep words.. be patience and make 2 click at a time..
                              "Never Argue with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and win you with their experience"

                              Raptor 50 fully blinged
                              Peigon 450 fully blinged With Airwolf fuselage
                              Wilga 2000

