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AISS funfly this wednesday 21 APR 2004


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    I got inspired by the heli-meet videos on the ikarus BBS. I'll try to post up videos of funflies whenever I'm able to bring the camcorder along.

    Alamak Loyn, sorry man. Don't get me wrong yeah.. I didn't manage to get more footage of you and Joe's heli in action.
    So I just posted that particular one. I'll try to get videos of everyones' helis in action the next time round.
    Glad to see that we're moving on from just hovering, just keep practising and the place sure will feel small soon and we'll be craving for outdoor next That'd be cool!

    Derrick who knows since what they might come up with next! Now the most active builders and tinkerers seems to be Loyn, Joe and Doug. Hats off to them for contributing great ideas to the forum
    I still am shocked by your 14A Feda monster! Great flying by you man, keeps the video entertaining too.

    Hahaha Super Hornet that fellow looks familiar where did I see him before hmmm.... :P, your radio and your heli are weird man... autopiloting and reverse throttle.

    Ray, make that 3 stable hornets.... Don't forget Doug's!
    The hive is "The One"...... Ask the Oracle.....
    If you browsed through Hornet forums, others are also discovering that the H1 blades are more stable. The H2 blades are more twitchy and responive than the H1 ones.
    -Feda Dragonfly
    -Hornet 2
    -Pilot OK Turmeric
    -Zoom Zoom 4D
    -Sceadu EVO 50: OS50, Hatori521, Revmax,
    -Hornet X3D
    -Hornet X3D (yet to setup!)
    -Formosa 1
    -World Models Spot On 50
    -HB King 2
    -World Models Groovy 50 F3A
    -RICCS F18 EDF

    Controlled by 9CHP
    (Temasek Poly AMIG)


      Hey fit thanks for taking the trouble to put our meets on our harddrives ! Makes everything feel somewhat less underground in a way haha.

      Yeah i was quite surprised when i found out about the peak current, it's madness. and it's pretty much stock !

      yup those guys seem to come up with lots of finely crafted stuff

      Hmm which bit of my flying you talking about ? the slow nose-in funnels or the basketball nonsense ?

      haha i realise it's quite cock !
      maybe next time i'll bring something to actually drop something through the hoop.I'll go adapt my toothpick rocket launcher add-on to drop something or something hmmm

      thanks for taking the trouble again it's much appreciated here.


        Sorry for the delay but we do have some good photo the last time round. Check this out:-


          This one w D.Yeo trying to give the FEDA a kiss


            Fit's hornet in action....


              Hornet again...


                D.Yeo FEDA doing a fierce turning


                  And this last one by Super Hornet....its a FEDA not a hornet

