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trimming for raptor50tt


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    trimming for raptor50tt

    hi guys..

    i need some clarifications from those who knows stepup well.

    1) shld i use digital trim/sub trim to trim elevator and aileron during hovering?

    2) 1st step, shld i use non head holding mode n adjust the linkage rather than trim fr the tx?wat shld i set for the normal gain?2nd step, change to hh mode after the tail stops turning left/right (Neutral position) and let the gy in hh mode remember the neutral position?

    3)or 1st step in heading hold mode adjust the sub-trim so the helicopter does not rotate 1st?wat shld i set for the avcs gain?2nd step switch to non-heading hold and if the helicopter drifts, then adjust the rudder linkage.

    which step shld i follow for qn 2 n 3

    thanks for those who r willing to reply n help me

    ok.. hope this helps:

    view it and there is a list of gyro and tx which i dont know which one you using..


      ya..i know...i quote from tt n futaba website..but there r 2 ways which i stated in qn 2 n 3...dunno which 1 shld i tune 1st


        Originally posted by greenhorn
        ya..i know...i quote from tt n futaba website..but there r 2 ways which i stated in qn 2 n 3...dunno which 1 shld i tune 1st
        hmm...if thats the case you may wanna reset everything.. follow the site that i've given to you.. or if you really damn sian to do the "troubleshooting".. then wait till sunday, the people will be glad to help you


          i tried my best 1st coz the steps in qn2 seem is fr futaba website


            Originally posted by greenhorn
            i tried my best 1st coz the steps in qn2 seem is fr futaba website
            my advise is follow the manufacture's recommendation.. just like your fuel and engine..if the manufacturer recommends to use 20%nitro fuel, then use it... i assume you are using the futaba tx/gyro/rudder servo.. so just follow their recommendation..

            good luck brother


              what gyro u are using?


                Should first achieve your mechanical trim first by adjusting your ball link rods.. Which is to level your swash to all direction, with sub trim set to zero.

                As for Gyro. mechanical trim should be done with HH turn off. Then you hover your heli, and your tail should not spin even with HH switch off. meanwhile check for any binding..

                As for as sub trim and digital trim are concern, for cyclic rudder etc, except for throttle, a zero setting is preferred.


                  1.Sub trim for on the bench, extremely minimal adjustment to get your servo arm to center. Digital trim for in flight. Set the step for digital trim to 1 for fine adjustment during first hover. Most of the time I just use digital trim coz pretty lazy to go menu and adjust.

                  2. Set the servo in non hh mode such that the tail pitch slider is 4.5mm away from the tail case, there is a picture on raptortechnique. It is not extremely accurate, but most of the time only 1 or 2 turns will be required to mechanically trim the heli if you start with the 4.5mm.

                  3. If you trim it electronically, might need to flip the hh-non hh switch 3times ending up in hh mode to reset the electronic neutral.

                  A few school of thoughts for gyro. Try them and see which one works better for you. Personally, I think for futaba gyro wheather the tail is holding in non-hh or not doesn't make much difference to hh mode. Maybe the pros might see the difference, but I guess if you are are not a pro yet



                    Bro. I think you better hook yourself up with an experience Nitro flyer, because trims are only a fraction of the entire setup.. ie, you'll still need to take care of your pitch to throttle movement. Your throttle movements, your pitch angle, your pitch curve, your throttle curve, blade tracking engine break in, tuning, build quality, linkage checks etc, etc..

                    Anyway, morale of the story is to get someone help you check your setup first before you take off..


                      thank you u all for ur kind advise...pray for me


                        Bro, Why don't you bring it down to jalan Bahar this weekend, it's not too far from your place right??. There are a handful of experience Raptor flyer there, and that's how I got my R50 up on the air..

                        Flight time start from Morning 7:00am to about 10:00am for morning.. Afternoon should start around 4:00pm till lights out..

                        PM me if you got problem going there..

                        Bro.. 50 sizer Nitro heli cannot pray pray leh..

                        Originally posted by greenhorn
                        thank you u all for ur kind advise...pray for me


                          oh..sure...but i go segar train b4 go to some1 territory to chop ppls' head


                            Originally posted by greenhorn
                            oh..sure...but i go segar train b4 go to some1 territory to chop ppls' head


                              Huh?? Territory??..

                              Originally posted by greenhorn
                              oh..sure...but i go segar train b4 go to some1 territory to chop ppls' head

